Henry County Public Schools Superintendent Jim Masters presented Brice Durham the KSBA First Degree Scholarship district nominee award.
Henry County Public Schools Superintendent Jim Masters presented Lillie Campos the KSBA First Degree Scholarship district nominee award.

Henry County Public Schools Superintendent Jim Masters presented Brice Durham the KSBA First Degree Scholarship district nominee award.
Henry County Public Schools Superintendent Jim Masters presented Lillie Campos the KSBA First Degree Scholarship district nominee award.
The Henry County Public Schools board meeting was held Monday at 6 p.m. in the Henry Castle Middle school library.
The meeting was called to order by Superintendent Jim Masters. The roll call showed all Board members were present.
Superintendent Jim Masters awarded certificates of merit to Brice Durham and Lillie Campos during last Monday’s meeting of the Henry County School Board.
The certificates were for achievement and recognition as the school’s KSBA First Degree Scholarship district nominees.
Each will receive a $500 scholarship from the Henry County School Board and be entered in a drawing for a $2,500 scholarship from the KSBA.
Durham and Campos are receiving these awards for scholastic achievement and being the first members of their families to attend college.
Henry County Middle School Principal Emily Edwards gave a presentation on HCMS Growth Groups.
She said the impact on student growth in reading revealed 81% of students showed growth from fall to spring on their iReady diagnostic, with 68% of students meeting their annual typical growth goal.
In math, 88% showed growth from fall to spring on their iReady diagnostic, with 69% of students meeting their annual typical growth.
The superintendent recommended that the board approve fundraiser requests from the middle school Academic team; Jr. Beta Club; middle school boys basketball; high school slass of 2028; JROTC and high school girls basketball. The vote to approve was unanimous.
The superintendent recommended that the board approve allowing each school to apply for a grant through KDE, which is the Literacy Mini Grant.
The grant application will be for $40,000 and was unanimously approved.
Kentucky Department of Education, by and through Kristin Wright, Agricultural Education Consultant/State FFA Advisor, has requested use of the ag classroom, shop and hoop barns for professional development for ag teachers July 14, 2025 through July 18, 2025. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Olympus Wrestling has requested use of the high school and auxiliary gyms on Jan. 12, 2025 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a wrestling tournament.
The superintendent advises that this will only be granted upon the board’s approval and contingent upon proof of active liability insurance provided naming Henry County Public Schools as an additional insured and also the availability of a supervisory person and a custodian. The vote to approve was unanimous.
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