Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship

The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship is a highly competitive program that provides funding for outstanding students from around the world to pursue postgraduate studies in Ireland. It is funded by the Irish Research Council and administered by the Council on behalf of the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.

Here are some key points about the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship:

  1. Eligibility: The scholarship is open to all nationalities. Applicants must have a first-class or upper second-class honors bachelor’s degree or the equivalent. There are also specific requirements for applicants who have studied or are studying in Ireland.
  2. Fields of Study: The scholarship is available for all disciplines of study at the master’s or Ph.D. level. This includes both research and taught programs.
  3. Duration: The scholarship is typically awarded for one year for a taught master’s program, or up to four years for a Ph.D. program.
  4. Coverage: The scholarship provides an annual stipend, a contribution towards fees, and a research allowance. The specific amounts may vary depending on the level of the award and the duration of the program.
  5. Application Process: The application process usually involves submitting an online application form, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a research proposal (for research-based programs), and other supporting documents.
  6. Selection Criteria: Applications are assessed based on academic merit, the quality of the research proposal (if applicable), the applicant’s potential impact on Ireland’s research community, and other relevant factors.
  7. Application Period: The application period typically opens in the fall and closes in the winter. However, it’s important to check the specific deadlines each year as they may vary.
  8. Post-Award Requirements: If awarded, scholars are expected to engage in research and related activities as specified in their research proposal, and to contribute to the wider research community.
  9. Research Environment: Scholars are usually required to be based in Ireland for the duration of their scholarship and are expected to engage with their host institution.
  10. Alumni Network: The scholarship program has a strong alumni network, and many scholars go on to have successful careers in academia, industry, government, and other sectors.

Here are some relevant links for more information:

  1. Official Website
  2. Application Guidelines
  3. Frequently Asked Questions
  4. Terms and Conditions
  5. Application Portal

Please note that you should always verify information on official websites and ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria before applying. Keep in mind that my knowledge is based on information available up until September 2021, and there may have been updates or changes after that date.