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Hyundai Motor Group (HYMTF) has partnered with SOAS University of London to establish a new scholarship program focused on nurturing African talent. The initiative includes a £1.5M donation to support 25 master’s and doctoral students from Africa studying at SOAS.
The collaboration features the establishment of two key institutions: the Development Leadership Dialogue (DLD) Institute for development community discussions, and the Centre for Sustainable Structural Transformation (CSST) focusing on structural transformation amid climate challenges.
Starting in the first half of 2025, five annual scholarships will be awarded to African students, covering tuition and living expenses. Recipients will participate in networking events and seminars hosted by Hyundai Motor Group. Additionally, the company is introducing a Junior Internship Program offering global business experience to SOAS African students in Seoul.
Hyundai Motor Group (HYMTF) ha stretto una partnership con la SOAS University di Londra per istituire un nuovo programma di borse di studio focalizzato sullo sviluppo dei talenti africani. L’iniziativa include una donazione di 1,5 milioni di sterline per supportare 25 studenti di master e dottorato provenienti dall’Africa che studiano alla SOAS.
La collaborazione prevede l’istituzione di due istituzioni chiave: l’Istituto per il Dialogo sulla Leadership nello Sviluppo (DLD), dedicato a discussioni sulla comunità dello sviluppo, e il Centro per la Trasformazione Strutturale Sostenibile (CSST), che si concentra sulla trasformazione strutturale in mezzo alle sfide climatiche.
A partire dalla prima metà del 2025, saranno assegnate cinque borse di studio annuali a studenti africani, coprendo le spese per le tasse universitarie e il vitto. I beneficiari parteciperanno a eventi di networking e seminari ospitati dal Hyundai Motor Group. Inoltre, l’azienda sta introducendo un Programma di Tirocinio Junior che offre esperienza commerciale globale agli studenti africani della SOAS a Seoul.
Hyundai Motor Group (HYMTF) se ha asociado con la SOAS University de Londres para establecer un nuevo programa de becas enfocado en el desarrollo del talento africano. La iniciativa incluye una donación de 1,5 millones de libras esterlinas para apoyar a 25 estudiantes de máster y doctorado de África que estudian en SOAS.
La colaboración presenta la creación de dos instituciones clave: el Instituto de Diálogo de Liderazgo para el Desarrollo (DLD), para discusiones de la comunidad de desarrollo, y el Centro para la Transformación Estructural Sostenible (CSST), centrado en la transformación estructural ante los desafíos climáticos.
A partir de la primera mitad de 2025, se otorgarán cinco becas anuales a estudiantes africanos, cubriendo la matrícula y los gastos de subsistencia. Los beneficiarios participarán en eventos de networking y seminarios organizados por Hyundai Motor Group. Además, la empresa está introduciendo un Programa de Prácticas Junior que ofrece experiencia global en negocios a estudiantes africanos de SOAS en Seúl.
현대자동차 그룹 (HYMTF)가 런던 SOAS대학교와 협력하여 아프리카 인재 양성을 위한 새로운 장학 프로그램을 마련했습니다. 이 이니셔티브에는 SOAS에서 공부하는 아프리카 출신의 석사 및 박사 과정 학생 25명을 지원하기 위한 150만 파운드 기부가 포함됩니다.
이 협력은 두 가지 주요 기관의 설립을 포함합니다: 개발 커뮤니티 논의를 위한 개발 리더십 대화 (DLD) 연구소와 기후 변화 속 구조적 변화를 다루는 지속 가능한 구조적 변화 센터 (CSST)입니다.
2025년 상반기부터 아프리카 학생들에게 연간 다섯 개의 장학금을 수여하며, 이는 교육비와 생활비를 포함합니다. 수혜자들은 현대자동차 그룹이 주최하는 네트워킹 행사 및 세미나에 참여하게 됩니다. 또한, 회사는 서울의 SOAS 아프리카 학생들에게 글로벌 비즈니스 경험을 제공하는 주니어 인턴십 프로그램을 도입하고 있습니다.
Hyundai Motor Group (HYMTF) s’est associé à la SOAS University de Londres pour établir un nouveau programme de bourses axé sur la promotion des talents africains. L’initiative comprend un don de 1,5 million de livres sterling pour soutenir 25 étudiants en master et en doctorat d’Afrique étudiant à la SOAS.
Cette collaboration comprend la création de deux institutions clés : l’Institut de Dialogue sur le Leadership pour le Développement (DLD) pour les discussions au sein de la communauté de développement, et le Centre pour la Transformation Structurelle Durable (CSST) se concentrant sur la transformation structurelle face aux défis climatiques.
À partir de la première moitié de 2025, cinq bourses annuelles seront attribuées à des étudiants africains, couvrant les frais de scolarité et les frais de subsistance. Les lauréats participeront à des événements de réseautage et à des séminaires organisés par le Hyundai Motor Group. De plus, l’entreprise introduit un Programme de Stage Junior offrant une expérience commerciale mondiale aux étudiants africains de la SOAS à Séoul.
Hyundai Motor Group (HYMTF) hat sich mit der SOAS University in London zusammengeschlossen, um ein neues Stipendienprogramm ins Leben zu rufen, das sich auf die Förderung afrikanischer Talente konzentriert. Die Initiative umfasst eine Spende von 1,5 Millionen Pfund zur Unterstützung von 25 Master- und Doktoranden aus Afrika, die an der SOAS studieren.
Die Zusammenarbeit beinhaltet die Gründung von zwei Schlüsselinstitutionen: dem Development Leadership Dialogue (DLD) Institut für Diskussionen in der Entwicklungscommunity und dem Centre for Sustainable Structural Transformation (CSST), das sich mit struktureller Transformation inmitten von Klimaherausforderungen auseinandersetzt.
Ab der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2025 werden fünf jährliche Stipendien an afrikanische Studierende vergeben, die Studiengebühren und Lebenshaltungskosten decken. Die Empfänger nehmen an Networking-Events und Seminaren teil, die von Hyundai Motor Group veranstaltet werden. Darüber hinaus führt das Unternehmen ein Junior Internship Program ein, das SOAS-afrikanischen Studierenden in Seoul globale Geschäftserfahrungen bietet.
As a first step, in partnership with SOAS, the Group has established the Development Leadership Dialogue (DLD) Institute, a forum for discussions among leaders in the development community, as well as the Centre for Sustainable Structural Transformation (CSST), a research center focused on structural transformation in the context of the climate crisis.
Starting in the first half of 2025, the Hyundai Motor Group Scholarship will be offered annually to five master’s and doctoral students coming to SOAS from
“Hyundai Motor Group has established the DLD and CSST in collaboration with SOAS to gain a fundamental understanding of View original content to download multimedia:
SOURCE Hyundai Motor Group
How much is Hyundai Motor Group (HYMTF) investing in the SOAS scholarship program?
When will HYMTF's scholarship program at SOAS begin?
How many African students will receive HYMTF scholarships at SOAS annually?
What research centers has HYMTF established with SOAS University?
What additional benefits do HYMTF scholarship recipients get besides funding?
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