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Chapter B of the P.E.O. Sisterhood recently presented a scholarship check to Brianna E. Korcha of Knox. Brianna, previously a P.E.O. STAR Scholarship awardee, is a 2022 honors graduate of Knox Community High School. She attends Indiana University in Bloomington and is part of the Hutton Honors College. She majors in biology, with a minor in English.
A member of Sigma Kappa Sorority, Brianna will study in Manchester, England, on the way toward earning her baccalaureate degree in May 2026. She is the daughter of Kristin Korcha of Knox, who is a member of P.E.O.
Chapter B has been operating in Starke County since September 14, 1898, when ten prominent Knox women were initiated into a fast-growing national organization called P.E.O. The sisterhood quickly doubled its local membership and became a force in projects to support education, especially of women, in the county.
In addition to providing support to local college students, Chapter B presently awards an annual continuing education scholarship to local women who are returning to college after an interruption in their training. P.E.O.’s STAR Scholarships have given $20 million to support women’s education worldwide.
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