Ontario’s universities are driving jobs and growth in communities throughout Ontario.
By supporting students, fueling the talent pipeline and driving community economic development through research, innovation and commercialization, universities play a critical role in making Ontario a globally competitive economy that continues to attract investment.
However, after more than a decade of declining provincial grants, increasing demands on universities and a cut and freeze to tuition, Ontario’s universities are at a breaking point.
Without government investment, Ontario risks compromising the high-quality education, services and experiences our universities provide, limiting the boundless potential of Ontario’s students. Investing in universities is investing in students and our future.
Our 2024 pre-budget report, Investing in Universities is Investing in Students and Ontario’s Future, outlines how Ontario’s universities continue to support student success, fuel the province’s economic growth and remain steadfast in their commitment to finding new and innovative ways to drive greater efficiencies.
As the the financial pressures Ontario’s universities face continue to grow, Ontario’s universities call on the provincial government to urgently address the financial sustainability of the university sector by immediately implementing the Blue-Ribbon Panel recommendations to ensure a vibrant and healthy university sector.
Key to the sector’s financial health are the Panel’s recommendations to:
Unless action is taken immediately, more and more universities – and the students they support – are at risk.
“Failure to act will threaten the province’s reputation, with significantly negative effects for international student recruitment, the advancement of regional economies, the preparedness of our future workforce, and the attraction of foreign investment.”

Ensuring Financial Sustainability for Ontario’s Postsecondary Sector, Blue-Ribbon Panel Report, November 15, 2023
Ministry of Colleges and Universities’ 2022 Graduate Survey
Ontario universities’ enrolment data
Council of Ontario Finance Officers
Council of Ontario Finance Officers
Ontario Universities’ Application Centre
Council of Ontario Universities
Ontario’s universities are providing critical support to ensure students graduate job-ready, adaptable and resilient.
By working with industry and community partners, universities are helping build strong talent pipelines, fostering…
As large employers, purchasers and community hubs, universities continue to invest in their communities and…
By training the health-care workers needed to support patient care and developing health innovations that…
As universities continue to transform to meet the needs of students and a changing world,…
Through partnership with industry, government and communities – from north to south and east to…
As the demand for engineers grows across the province, universities are training the engineering workforce…
As Ontario seeks to strengthen its life sciences ecosystem, universities are helping by developing highly…
Ontario’s universities are supporting the growth, development and innovation of the province’s EV industry…
Council of Ontario's Universities
180 Dundas St West, Suite 1800
Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8
COU Association Site
