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PEQUOT LAKES — The Miss Pequot Lakes Scholarship Pageant will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 17, in the Pequot Lakes High School auditorium.
The Miss Pequot Lakes Scholarship Pageant is open to all female junior and senior students of the Pequot Lakes School District, including Crosslake Community School, online and or home-schooled students.
The students must be in good standing and meeting their school requirements.
Students must have their application in by Monday, March 3, to Kim Ziesemer via email to ziesemers@tds.net or to Robynn at the Pequot Lakes High School office.
Scholarship amounts for 2025 Miss Pequot Lakes, Pequot Lakes Princess and Miss Congeniality are not yet determined. All amounts will be based on fundraising totals.
Miss Pequot Lakes, First Runner-up and Miss Congeniality will be required to volunteer and attend community events and business celebrations listed as follows. If for some reason the winners cannot attend, they will need to notify the Pageant Committee as soon as possible.
Events are:

The week of the pageant — Monday-Wednesday, April 14-16 — additional days will be required for rehearsals, etc. Rehearsals will start at 5 p.m. each day in the Pequot Lakes High School auditorium.
The pageant will remain similar to years past, including evening gown competition, talent, interview, onstage question and congeniality.
For more information, contact Kimberly Ziesemer at 218-851-2764 or email ziesemers@tds.net.
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