After School Africa
Do you want to study abroad in the USA on a scholarship? A number of American universities and organizations offer undergraduate, Masters, or PhD scholarships in the USA for African students and students from developing countries Students. Some of these scholarships in the USA are offered specifically for international students from Africa.
Below are links to full scholarships for international students in the USA, for African students. To receive scholarship notifications in the future, subscribe to our free scholarship newsletter.
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The vision of the MasterCard Foundation Scholars program is to educate and develop bright yet economically marginalized young people in Africa and developing countries who have a demonstrated “give-back” ethos and who will contribute to the transformation of the continent.
It will transition promising young people from beneficiaries to benefactors, preparing them with the values, knowledge, skills, and leadership to fuel economic and social progress across Africa.
The scholarship program is anticipated to benefit 15,000 young people within 8 to 10 years. The following US universities are partnering with the MasterCard Foundation to offer scholarships for students from Africa and developing countries. Learn more about the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program.
As part of the Scholars Program, Wellesley will provide nine (9) African women with comprehensive support that includes scholarships, mentoring, counseling, and internship opportunities for undergraduate studies. Scholars at Wellesley will build experiences, values, and competencies that are critical to success in the global economy and that enable them to give back to their communities and home countries. The students will arrive in groups of three students each year.
Level of Study: Undergraduate degree
Previous Application Deadline: September to around January/February
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The MasterCard Foundation education initiative at Stanford University USA will provide comprehensive support to 20 talented but economically disadvantaged students from Africa over the next eight years to gain scholarships in the USA. The Scholars Program will support five (5) undergraduates from Sub-Saharan Africa each year.
Level of Study: Undergraduate degree
Previous Application Deadline: September to around January/February
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Arizona State University welcomed 10 undergraduate students from seven African nations in 2012 as the first class of MasterCard Foundation Scholars to begin studies at ASU. As part of this program, ASU will receive $27.5 million over the next seven years to provide academically talented yet financially disadvantaged students from Africa who are committed to giving back to their communities and countries with access to high-quality education. The program will ultimately support 120 scholars at ASU.
Level of Study: Undergraduate degree
Previous Application Deadline: admission application: 01 January; scholarship deadline: February 01
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At the University of California Berkeley, the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program will provide holistic support to 113 students from Sub-Saharan Africa from 2012 to 2020. The scholars will pursue both undergraduate and professional master’s degrees.
Level of Study: Undergraduate and Master’s Degree
Previous Application Deadline: For undergraduates: 30th November
For masters: falls between 1 December and 8 January
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The MasterCard Foundation has partnered with Michigan State University to provide full tuition scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students from Sub-Saharan Africa. The university will receive $45 million in funding from the foundation to support 185 scholars throughout the nine-year program, which includes 100 four-year undergraduates and 85 master’s degree students.
Level of Study: Undergraduate and Master’s Degree
Previous Application Deadline: 15 February
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The inaugural class of The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at Duke University represents the intellect and energy of the youth of Sub-Saharan Africa. With a financial commitment of $13.5 million from The MasterCard Foundation, Duke University will educate seven (7) classes of five (5) students from Sub-Saharan Africa—aa total of 35 students—oover the next 10 years to achieve scholarships in the USA.
Level of Study: Undergraduate degree
Previous Application Deadline: January
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The Fulbright Program is a scholarship for international students who want to pursue a Master’s or PhD degree. The scholarships can also be awarded for non-degree postgraduate studies. The grant covers tuition fees, textbooks, airfare, a living stipend, and health insurance.
Level of Study: Master’s and PhD degrees in fields including interdisciplinary ones, except medical degree programs or clinical medical research.
Previous Application Deadline: varies by country. For instance, in general, the Nigerian Fulbright Scholar application process opens in February of every year, with applications due in May.
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The World Bank and the Government of Japan, through the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program, offer scholarships for Masters Degrees to postgraduate students from developing countries. Eligible applicants should propose a program of study related to development at the master’s level in fields such as economics, health, education, agriculture, environment, natural resource management, or other development-related subjects.
Level of Study: Master’s degree
Previous Application Deadline: March 31
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The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is a non-degree program for experienced professionals interested in strengthening their leadership skills through a mutual exchange of knowledge and understanding about issues of common concern in the U.S. and the Fellows’ home countries.
Level of Study: Fellowship for professionals
Previous Application Deadline: Embassies and Commissions must submit their nominations to the Institute of International Education office in Washington, DC, by October 1. The deadlines for applicants vary by country.
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The Zawadi Africa Education Fund is a program designed to provide undergraduate scholarships to academically gifted girls and women from disadvantaged backgrounds from Africa to pursue higher education in the USA, Uganda, Ghana, South Africa, and Kenya.
Level of Study: Undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and/or ICT
Application Deadline: Varies
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The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund (MMMF) provides grants to women from developing countries to help further their education and strengthen their leadership skills to improve the lives of women and children in developing countries. The MMMF awards grants are approximately $12,000 each.
Eligible applicants are women from developing countries currently enrolled at accredited universities in the US or Canada.
Level of Study: Master’s degree
Application starts from October 15th until January 9th.
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American Association of University Women—AAUW International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Applicants must have earned the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree by September 30 (previous year) and must have applied to their proposed institutions of study by the time of the application.
The scholarship is worth $18,000 for Masters, $20,000 for PhD, and $30,000 for postdoctoral students.
Level of study: Masters, PhD, and Postdoctoral degree
Previous application deadline: from 1 August to December 1
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The Harambe Fletcher Scholarship is a full-tuition award for young African entrepreneurial leaders wishing to pursue a master program at The Fletcher School at Tufts University, starting in September.
Eligible Field of Study
Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (MALD)
A two-year, highly flexible, interdisciplinary, professional degree in international affairs
Master of International Business (MIB)
A two-year hybrid international business/international affairs degree program
Application Deadline
Candidates must complete the online HEA application by December 30.
Candidates must complete the online Fletcher School application by January 10.
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The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students who have no other means of financing their studies in order to prepare them for employment. Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant/50% loan basis through a competitive application process once a year in June or July.
The Foundation accepts applications from nationals of the following countries: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Madagascar, and Mozambique.
Level of study: Masters and PhD focused areas are architecture, health, civil society, planning & building, culture, rural development, economic development, humanitarian assistance, education, and music.
The Foundation gives priority to requests for Master’s level courses but is willing to consider applications for PhD programs only in the case of outstanding students who are highly recommended for doctoral studies by their professors and who need a PhD for the fulfillment of their career objectives (academic or research oriented).
Previous Application Deadline: Starts January to March 31
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The Microsoft Research Graduate Women’s Scholarship is a one-year scholarship program for outstanding women graduate students and is designed to help increase the number of women pursuing a PhD.
Level of Study: PhD in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or Mathematics departments
Previous application deadline: from August 14 to October 16
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The Seven UP Harvard Business School Scholarship was created by Seven Up Bottling Company Plc of Nigeria to commemorate its 50th anniversary and aligns with the company’s overall vision of creating a greener future for promising Nigerians. Application opens for students admitted to the Harvard Business School MBA Class of the following year.
Level of study: MBA
Previous Application Deadline: September and April for the 1st to 3rd round
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The Boustany Foundation recognizes the importance of helping people evolve and leave a positive impact on the world. In order to achieve the above, the Foundation grants various scholarships to exceptional and meriting individuals.
Level of study: MBA
Previous Application Deadline: 31 May (offered every two years)
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The Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program (Borlaug Fellowship Program) helps developing countries strengthen sustainable agricultural practices by providing scientific training and collaborative research opportunities to visiting researchers, policymakers, and university faculty.
Level of study: Masters in Agricultural Science and Technology
Previous Application Deadline: January 15
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The Vera R. Campbell Foundation funded fellowship is offered for female postdoctoral social scientists from a developing country whose work addresses women’s economic and social empowerment in that nation.
Level of study: Postdoctoral degrees in anthropology, economics, geography, history, law, political science, psychology, sociology,
Previous Application Deadline: 1 November
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As part of its mission to expand the availability of hospice and palliative care in sub-Saharan Africa, Global Partners in Care, formally FHSSA, in partnership with the African Palliative Care Association, created the African Palliative Care Nursing Scholarship in 2010.
Level of study: Training for Social Workers and Nurses
Previous Application Deadline: from 15 April to 15 May
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The PEO International Peace Scholarship Fund is a program of women helping women reach for the stars. The fund provides scholarships for selected women from other countries for graduate study in the United States and Canada.
Level of study: Masters and PhD degrees
Previous Application Deadline: between August 15 and December 15.
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The International Peace Research Association Foundation (IPRA), USA, invites applications for the Dorothy Marchus Senesh Fellowship for Women from Developing Countries in Peace and Development Studies every two years.
The Fellowships provide $5,000 per year for two years for both women, for a total of $10,000 each.
Level of study: Masters and PhD degrees
Previous Application Deadline: January 15 (Offered Biennially)
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The Frank Lanza Memorial Scholarships recognize the outstanding academic and leadership accomplishments of students who are enrolled in regionally accredited community college programs in registered nursing, respiratory care, or emergency medical services.
Phi Theta Kappa annually awards up to 20 scholarships of $2,500 each, totaling $50,000 in scholarships each year.
Level of study: undergraduate and Masters degree
Previous Application Deadline: Varies: February to 30 April
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The Developing Countries Scholarship Fund was established to provide access to quality education for physicians who reside in developing countries to attend the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM) and HPNA Annual Assembly in Vancouver.
Level of study: AAHPM and HPNA Annual Assembly
Previous Application Deadline: 3 September
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With the generous support of the Ford Foundation, the French-American Foundation in 2011 launched the Immigration Journalism Fellowship. The fellowship is open to experienced journalists of any nationality with an interest in questions of immigration and integration. The Fellowship equips journalists with up to $10,000 each to produce immigration and integration reporting of the highest quality.
Level of study: Graduate
Previous Application Deadline: February
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The Electronic Document Scholarship Foundation (EDSF) scholarship program was initiated in 1999 to recognize and support the next generation of professionals in the document management and graphic communication industries. EDSF scholarships are awarded to full-time students who are committed to pursuing a career in the document management and graphic communications marketplace.
Previous Application Deadline: May 1
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The Gus Archie Memorial Scholarship is supported by the Archie Fund of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Foundation and, each year, awards an outstanding student who plans to enter a university and pursue an undergraduate degree in petroleum engineering.
Level of study: undergraduate degree
Previous Application Deadline: 15 April or 1 May
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Google Lime Scholarship is offered for students with disabilities to study computer science, computer engineering or software engineering in the USA or Canada at the undergraduate, graduate or PhD level.
Level of study: undergraduate, Masters, and PhD degrees
Previous Application Deadline: Around January or February
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Google offers the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship for women in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa to study in the field of computing and technology for bachelors, masters or PhD degrees. The scholarship recipients will each receive a €7,000 (or equivalent) scholarship.
Level of study: undergraduate, Masters, and PhD degrees
Previous Application Deadline: 1 February
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The U.S. Bank offers high school and undergraduate students the opportunity to apply for one of its 40 $1,000 scholarship positions annually. The U.S. Bank Internet Scholarship Program is available to high school seniors and college undergraduates.
Level of study: undergraduate degree
Previous Application Deadline: from March 5 to September 17
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Human Rights Watch, the international human rights monitoring and advocacy organization, invites applications for its fellowship program.
The fellowship is for recent graduates of law schools or graduate programs in journalism, international relations, area studies, or other relevant disciplines from universities worldwide.
Level of study: Masters degree
Previous application deadline: from June to October
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The American University-AU Emerging Global Leader Scholarship promotes educational access and opportunity while enhancing international diversity. The AU Emerging Global Leader Scholarship (AU EGLS) is offered to international undergraduate students.
Preference for the AU EGL scholarship will be given to international students who have overcome various obstacles and challenges, as well as those from diverse and underrepresented global and socioeconomic backgrounds.
Level of study: undergraduate degree
Previous Application Deadline: varies between December and January
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American University’s merit awards for international students are partial, not full, scholarships. They are highly competitive and based on a combination of outstanding academic achievement, excellent communication skills in English, leadership, volunteerism, and community service. Scholarships ranged from U.S.$6,000 to U.S.$25,000 per academic year. They are renewable for all four years of study based on successful continued academic performance.
Level of study: undergraduate degree
Previous application deadline: 15 January
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The Center for the Study of Law and Society invites applications for visiting scholars each year. The Center fosters empirical research and theoretical analysis concerning legal institutions, legal processes, legal change, and the social consequences of law. Closely linked to the School of Law, CSLS creates a multidisciplinary milieu with a faculty of distinguished socio-legal scholars in the sociology of law, political science, criminal justice studies, law and economics, legal history, law and psychology, and legal and social philosophy, along with visiting socio-legal scholars from the United States and around the world.
Level of study: Graduate
Previous Application Deadline: November 16
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Iowa State is committed to enrolling a diverse and talented student population. The International Merit Scholarship is awarded to well-rounded students who have demonstrated strong academic achievement and outstanding talent or achievements in one or more of the following areas: math and sciences, the arts, extracurricular activities, community service, leadership, innovation, or entrepreneurship.
Level of study: undergraduate degree
Application Deadline: March 1 (fall entry); October 1 (spring entry)
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The International Students Academic Merit Scholarship is open to new international students seeking a graduate or undergraduate degree at East Tennessee State University—ETSU USA. The scholarship covers 50 percent of the total of in- and out-of-state tuition and maintenance fees only. No additional fees or costs are covered.
You must apply to be a student at ETSU before applying for the Merit Scholarship.
Level of study: undergraduate and graduate degrees
Previous Application Deadline: 1 June (fall) 1 October (spring)
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International students are eligible for need-based and merit-based financial aid offered by Colby-Sawyer College. The merit-based scholarships—Founder scholarship, Presidential scholarship, etc.—increase based on academic ability and range up to $24,000 per year. Academic scholarships are automatically granted based on a student’s grade point average (GPA) or equivalent letter and number of grades from the student’s secondary school transcript or college/university transcripts, if applicable. The college does not meet full financial needs.
Level of study: undergraduate degree
Previous Application Deadline: 1 February
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Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) USA offers several undergraduate scholarship opportunities for international students. All scholarships require full-time enrollment in the fall and spring semesters.
Level of study: undergraduate degree
Previous Application Deadline: March 1 (Fall), October 1 (Spring)
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The African Presidential Scholars Program offers early-career faculty from Ghana, Liberia, South Africa, and Uganda the opportunity to collaborate with faculty and students at the University of Michigan during residencies of two to six months.
Level of study: Masters degree
Previous application deadline: August 15 to October 15
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The Yossi Schiff Memorial Scholarship Fund at the University of Michigan, USA, is designed to promote international understanding and offer an educational opportunity through scholarships to foreign graduate students (from developing countries) in need.
Level of study: Masters in Social Sciences, Humanities, Medicine, Public Health, Public Policy, Nursing, and Environmental Sciences
Previous Application Deadline: 13 April
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Professors George and Nancy Axinn endowed this scholarship to support graduate students who wish to pursue careers in international development. Preference is given to international students.
Level of study: Masters and PhD degrees
Previous Application Deadline: December 1
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The American College of Surgeons offers International Guest Scholarships to competent young surgeons from countries other than the United States or Canada who have demonstrated strong interests in teaching and research. The scholarships, for $10,000 each, provide the scholars with an opportunity to visit clinical, teaching, and research activities in North America and to attend and participate fully in the educational opportunities and activities of the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress.
Level of study: Graduate
Previous Application Deadline: 1st July.
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The Institute of International Studies (IIS) at UC Berkeley seeks to award a series of merit scholarships of up to $2,000 each to support undergraduate research in any area of international studies. The Institute of International Studies promotes interdisciplinary research in international, comparative, and policy studies on the Berkeley campus of the University of California.
Level of study: undergraduate degree
Previous Application Deadline: November 19
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Clark University offers the Global Scholars Program, which is open to high school students who are not permanent residents or citizens of the United States, as well as U.S. citizens or permanent residents who reside overseas and will complete their entire secondary school education outside the U.S. A scholarship of no less than $15,000 ($60,000 for four years contingent upon meeting academic standards for renewal) and a guaranteed $2,500 taxable stipend for a paid internship or research assistantship taken for academic credit during the summer following the sophomore or junior year is included with the award.
Level of study: undergraduate
Previous application deadline: by January 15
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Merit-based scholarships are offered to qualified international applicants with outstanding academic achievement and test scores on the required entrance exams. These scholarships in USA undergraduate awards range from $10,000 to $25,000 per year and are renewable for up to four years. In some instances, additional help is provided through student loans and campus employment.
In addition, two full-time President’s International Student Scholarships are offered. These scholarships are awarded each year to two highly qualified international students in assessing their talents, interests, and academic achievements. Each full tuition scholarship is renewable for up to four years of study at Illinois Wesleyan University.
Level of study: undergraduate degree
Previous application deadline: April 1
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The Miriam J. Kelley African Scholarship award is intended to encourage MSU African students (women are strongly urged to apply) to study at MSU and in turn make a contribution to the development of their country. At least two awards can be made annually. The number of awards made and actual award amounts depend on the quality of proposals and the resources available in the fiscal year in which funds are proposed for expenditure.
Level of study: undergraduate and graduate degree
Previous application deadline: July 15
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MSU desires to encourage the strengthening of colleges and universities in South Africa by providing tuition assistance during the first year of graduate study, many of whom will assume professional and government positions upon their return. The intention is to allow departments to offer scholarships in the USA, provisionally bringing students on campus and allowing time for other sources of financial support to be secured for the remainder of the program of study.
Level of study: graduate degree.
Previous application deadline: April 15
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These scholarships are offered to a limited number of admitted students each application cycle, including all NYU Wagner degree programs and international students. Awards are based solely on the strength of the application and the contributions the Graduate Admissions Committee believes the applicant can make to the NYU Wagner community.
All international postgraduate student applicants at NYU Wagner are automatically considered for all merit-based scholarships, as the university gives equal consideration to scholarship applicants from within the United States and abroad. The awards are partial to full tuition scholarships, including the Robert F. Wagner Scholarship, which includes a $20,000 annual stipend.
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The ICSP scholarship awards 10-20 new competitive scholarships to international students each year. Scholarships apply to tuition only and range from $9,000-$27,000 per year. The ICSP scholarship has a cultural service component that requires students to give presentations about their home country to children, community organizations, UO students, faculty, and staff. ICSP scholarships are based on financial need, academic merit, and the ability to make presentations to diverse groups of people. ICSP scholarships are renewable.
Applicants may be new or current UO international undergraduate students.
Level of study: undergraduate degree
Application Deadline: January 15
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Other scholarships at Oregon University by region.
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