Cloudy skies during the morning with areas of fog developing late. Temps nearly steady in the upper 30s. Winds light and variable..
Areas of fog. Low 34F. Winds light and variable.
Updated: December 28, 2024 @ 10:45 am
The Michael P. Ippolito Memorial Scholarship Fund has hosted three events in honor of the former sports writer for the Town Crier including a basketball tournament and two hockey jamborees. The foundation has raised more than $8,000 in scholarships in Michael’s name. (Courtesy photo)
The Michael P. Ippolito Memorial Scholarship Fund has hosted three events in honor of the former sports writer for the Town Crier including a basketball tournament and two hockey jamborees. The foundation has raised more than $8,000 in scholarships in Michael’s name. (Courtesy photo)
The Michael P. Ippolito Memorial Scholarship Fund has hosted three events in honor of the former sports writer for the Town Crier including a basketball tournament and two hockey jamborees. The foundation has raised more than $8,000 in scholarships in Michael’s name. (Courtesy photo)
 Michael P. Ippolito Memorial Scholarship Fund hockey jamboree T-shirt. (Courtesy photo)

The Michael P. Ippolito Memorial Scholarship Fund has hosted three events in honor of the former sports writer for the Town Crier including a basketball tournament and two hockey jamborees. The foundation has raised more than $8,000 in scholarships in Michael’s name. (Courtesy photo)
The Michael P. Ippolito Memorial Scholarship Fund has hosted three events in honor of the former sports writer for the Town Crier including a basketball tournament and two hockey jamborees. The foundation has raised more than $8,000 in scholarships in Michael’s name. (Courtesy photo)
The Michael P. Ippolito Memorial Scholarship Fund has hosted three events in honor of the former sports writer for the Town Crier including a basketball tournament and two hockey jamborees. The foundation has raised more than $8,000 in scholarships in Michael’s name. (Courtesy photo)
 Michael P. Ippolito Memorial Scholarship Fund hockey jamboree T-shirt. (Courtesy photo)
The Michael Ippolito Me­morial Scholarship Foun­dation would like to ex­tend its heartfelt gratitude to all the wonderful volunteers, the dedicated hockey teams, coaches, athletic directors, the Me­thuen High Athletics De­partment, the athletic teams’ donations of raffle baskets, and the generous donors who have contri­buted to the Michael Ippo­lito Memorial Scholarship in various ways.
The support and commitment of all the people who hold Michael close to their hearts and will never forget him, have been truly inspiring. The countless hours volunteered, the teamwork shown by the hockey players, and the generous financial contributions have all played a vital role in honoring Mi­chael’s legacy.
It is through your efforts that we are able to provide educational scholarships to deserving students each spring, continuing the spirit of kindness and generosity that Mi­chael embodied. To date, the Michael Ippolito Me­morial Scholarship Board of Directors has been able to award more than $8,000 in scholarships in the past two years. While Michael would be shy about this recognition, he would be so proud to support the students at the schools he loved so much.
In development is a web­site that will capture the 30 years’ worth of stories that Michael authored through the Town Crier, Lowell Sun, Boston Globe, Fitchburg State Spotlight and Clinton Daily Item to name a few. These articles will be tagged by sport, player and date.  Stay tuned for more information.
Thank you for your un­wavering support and de­dication. Your contributions are making a significant impact, and we are deeply grateful for each and every one of you. No donation is too small, and every contribution is deep­ly appreciated. Together, we can keep Michael’s spirit alive and ensure that his legacy of love and compassion continues to thrive.
With sincere appreciation,
The Michael Ippolito Memorial Scholarship Committee
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