by | Mar 8, 2025 5:24 am
Posted to: Oxford, Seymour, News by You
OXFORD — Attention all Class of 2025 high school seniors who are Oxford, CT residents – the application deadline is April 4, 2025 for the 4‑year renewable 2025 Rowland R. Strong and Edith H. Strong Memorial Scholarship. 
The application can be accessed via the Town of Oxford website.
Also visit your high school’s website or your school guidance department office for a hard copy.

The Rowland R. Strong & Edith H. Strong Memorial Scholarship Fund (managed and administered by the Valley Community Foundation in Derby, CT) was established through the bequest of Miriam S. Strong (a long-time Oxford resident) in memory of her late parents who advocated the support of young people who desired to continue their education by earning a college degree. The intent of the scholarship is to provide financial support to Oxford student(s) who are able to attend a 4‑year college or university. 
Since 2018, The Rowland R. Strong and Edith H. Strong Memorial Scholarship Fund has awarded this scholarship annually to two (2) Oxford residents in their senior year of high school who meet the eligibility criteria (please refer to the application for more information). Each year, the amount of each scholarship award has been at least $8,000 and is renewable for three (3) subsequent years provided that the recipients successfully continue in a 4‑year degree program at an accredited college or university. 
Historically, we’ve received applications from Oxford residents who attend high schools such as Nonnewaug, Emmett O’Brien, Notre Dame, Holy Cross, St. Joseph’s and Hopkins, in addition to those who attend Oxford High School. Therefore, if you are an Oxford resident, it doesn’t matter from which high school you will graduate in 2025 and we encourage you to apply, as does Jaden Diaz, a 2018 winner (one of the first recipients of this scholarship) through her following testimonial:
I wholeheartedly recommend this scholarship to any high school senior who is committed to continuing their education but may need financial support… If you’re eligible, I urge you to apply. It could be the key to unlocking the future you’ve always dreamed of, just as it was for me.” – Jaden Diaz, 2018 Strong Memorial Scholarship Recipient
Again, all eligible Oxford residents who will graduate from high school in 2025 are encouraged to apply! All application packets must be postmarked no later than Friday, April 4, 2025. Late submissions will not be considered!

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