Breakwater Federal Credit Union opens doors for people to their first home, car, and even dorm room.
Recently Breakwater Federal Credit Union announced it has opened its scholarship program to students graduating in the Keweenaw Peninsula. The credit union will require students to become members of the financial institution, and plan to graduate as a part of the Copper Country’s class of 2025 with the aspiration to start the fall semester at a college or university. The scholarship program will also support graduating seniors planning to enter the trades industry and will attend a trade school program in the fall of 2025. The scholarship asks students to prepare a one-page essay stating their financial need and share how an award will support a young person aspiring to contribute to the community. Reference letters from a member of the community and educator won’t hurt a student’s application either.
Scholarship recipients will receive an invite from Breakwater Federal Credit Union to attend its 71st annual business meeting on April 16th to accept their 1000-dollar scholarship award. Breakwater will require applications from prospective scholarship grantees before March 28th.
Eligibility Criteria:
Application Requirements:
o One from a member of the community
o One from an employee at your high school
For more information about the Breakwater Federal Credit Union scholarship program, please visit
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