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Deadline is April 15! Yes, this is tax day, but it’s also the date that applications for the Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway Association’s Linda Ulland Memorial Scholarship are due.
The opportunity is open to graduating seniors or previous graduates of Pequot Lakes, Pine River-Backus and Crosslake Community schools. Candidates with an interest in environmental issues along with a heart for community service and volunteerism are encouraged to apply for this $1,000 scholarship.
Applicants are asked to include a photo of themselves at any one of the Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway route signs. This requirement was added some years ago to alleviate any confusion between the Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway, a 54-mile driving route, from the Paul Bunyan Trail, a rails-to-trails conversion not designed for driving.
Over the years, applications for this scholarship have shown a spotlight on the remarkable students in our area. Each year, the scholarship committee is impressed in new ways, always finding it difficult to choose just one recipient.
Scholarship recipients and their families from past and current years are invited to be our guest at the Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway Association’s annual dinner in November.
Available since 2012, the scholarship was established to honor the dedicated support and many volunteer hours Linda Ulland provided to the Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway Association, from helping to organize the nonprofit group in 1998 to crafting the bedrock documents that continue to guide the association today.
Completed applications can be emailed to info@paulbunyanscenicbyway.org or sent to P.O. Box 401, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472.
Mailed applications should be sent no later than April 8 to ensure timely arrival.
Further details about the Linda Ulland Memorial Scholarship can be found at www.paulbunyanscenicbyway.org.
Lynn Scharenbroich is a Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway Association board member.
