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to submit an obituary
For information on submitting an obituary, please contact Reading Eagle by phone at 610-371-5018, or email at obituaries@readingeagle.com or fax at 610-371-5193.
Most obituaries published in the Reading Eagle are submitted through funeral homes and cremation services, but we will accept submissions from families. Obituaries can be emailed to obituaries@readingeagle.com.
In addition to the text of the obituary, any photographs that you wish to include can be attached to this email. Please put the text of the obituary in a Word document, a Google document or in the body of the email. The Reading Eagle also requires a way to verify the death, so please include either the phone number of the funeral home or cremation service that is in charge of the deceased’s care or a photo of his/her death certificate. We also request that your full name, phone number and address are all included in this email.
All payments by families must be made with a credit card. We will send a proof of the completed obituary before we require payment. The obituary cannot run, however, until we receive payment in full.
Obituaries can be submitted for any future date, but they must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. the day prior to its running for it to be published.
Please call the obituary desk, at 610-371-5018, for information on pricing.
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The following area students received bachelor of science degrees from the University of Tampa, Fla., at the December commencement ceremony:
Antonia Daddario, Boyertown, cybersecurity; Collin Folk, Cumru Township, finance; Sarah Foster, Birdsboro allied health.
Berks County Community Foundation is accepting applications for over 130 scholarship opportunities. The deadline to apply is March 1. Many of the scholarships are for Berks high-school seniors, while others support nontraditional students and students already in higher education. A full list of available scholarships with their criteria and details can be found at bccf.org/funds/scholarships/
To streamline the process, the foundation offers a universal application that matches applicants to scholarships for which they qualify. Applicants are encouraged to create an account and complete the application thoroughly. After submission, applicants will be directed to a personal dashboard where they can view and complete any additional requirements for specific scholarships.
The Daniel Boone Optimist Club is seeking applicants for its 2025 scholarship program. Five awards are available to graduating high school seniors residing in the Daniel Boone School District:
The $2,000 James C. Erdman Memorial Scholarship is for students pursuing a degree in the medical field.
The $2,000 Daniel Boone Optimist Club Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a student whose actions resemble the Optimist Creed and who inspires the respect and admiration of classmates as a result.
The Daniel Boone Optimist Club STEM Scholarship for a student studying science, technology, engineering or mathematics.
Two $1,00 Daniel Boone Optimist Club Scholarships for the Performing and Visual Arts. Applicants must be majoring in the arts.
Daniel Boone High School students will use the district’s Naviance system to access scholarship information and submit their applications as instructed by the Guidance Department. Students who are homeschooled or attend another school should visit danielbooneoptimist.com/scholarships for more information.
The deadline to apply is March 31. To learn more, contact Rosemary T. Wisniewski, scholarship chairperson, at610-291-7919
Information is provided by the colleges and organizations involved.
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