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Provided by Maria Weekley, Cap America
Cap America, Inc. is proud to announce the recipients of the 2025 CAP Scholarship.
The College Assistance Program (CAP) scholarship is an employee benefit program available to the dependents of employees that work for the company.
Applications submitted for consideration are reviewed by the committee. Criteria for dependent selection include full time student status as well as a GPA performance of 2.50 or higher on a 4.00-point scale or 7.00 or higher on an 11.00-point scale for high school.
This semester there were three recipients, each awarded $2,500 for the spring 2025 semester.
Ally Whitener is attending Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, IL. Ally is the daughter of Kelly and Doug Whitener. Kelly has been with Cap America for 18 years.
Jonathan Nixon is attending the University of Dayton in Dayton, OH. Jonathan is the son of Tim and Katrina Nixon. Tim has been with Cap America for 3 years.
Justin Nixon is attending Capital University in Columbus, OH. Justin is the son of Tim and Katrina Nixon. Tim has been with Cap America for 3 years.
“We are proud to support these outstanding young people and commend them on their academic achievements,” Cap America owner Phil Page said.
Provided by Cap America
Justin Nixon and parents Tim and Katrina Nixon
Provided by Cap America
Jonathan Nixon and parents Tim and Katrina Nixon
Provided by Cap America
Kelly and Ally Whitener
