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Robotics team presents demonstration to school board
CEDAR FALLS — The Cedar Falls Community Foundation has announced a new scholarship for Cedar Falls High School students.
The Ed Leo Scholarship for High School Robotics Students will recognize and support graduating students seeking higher education in STEM and allied disciplines. These students must participate in the high school robotics team The Swartdogs.
This fund will award two scholarships per year, one male and female reserved scholarship. Each recipient will be awarded a minimum of $1,750.
Applicants must meet the following criteria: Completion of application, minimum 26 composite score on the ACT, minimum B+ GPA, citizen or permanent resident of the U.S.
They must also show completion with PASS or a minimum B+ grade in at least one of the following: CAPS, AP class or Hawkeye/University of Northern Iowa course and a minimum four semesters in First Tech Challenge/First Robotics Competition.
Applications should also include examples of achievement, leadership, performance, and teamwork. As well as a 500–1,000-word essay on gracious professionalism.
Cedar Falls senior Grace Hannam hits an attack off the hands of Waterloo West’s Emma Beckman Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls sophomore Kennedy Krecklow hits a back row attack toward Waterloo West defenders Myka Bromley (7) and Lila Homolar (6) Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Maya McNally of Cedar Falls pushes a shot over the top of Waterloo West’s Ally Landers Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls libero Anni Wedgbury makes a pass during a match with Waterloo West Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Kennedy Krecklow of Cedar Falls hits a back row attack during a match with Waterloo West Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
A pair of Cedar Falls defenders collide going after a ball in a match with Waterloo West Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls blockers Maya McNally (14) and Kya Bradfield send a Waterloo West attack back across the net Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls hitter Maya McNally sends a shot over the net against Waterloo West Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Waterloo West’s Isabelle Rand makes a save against Cedar Falls Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Waterloo West’s Ava Jones prepares to try to block an attack by Cedar Falls hitter Kya Bradfield Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls celebrates a winning point during its match with Waterloo West Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls setter Brynn Bakula makes a pass against Waterloo West Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls setter Brynn Bakula makes a pass against Waterloo West Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Waterloo West celebrates a winning point against Cedar Falls Tuesday in a match at Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls setter Brynn Bakula watches her tip shot glance off the hands of Waterloo West blocker Lila Homolar Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls blockers Maya McNally (14) and Grace Hannam (16) stuff a tip attempt by Waterloo West setter Ally Landers during a match in Cedar Falls Tuesday.
Cedar Falls hitter Maya McNally strikes an attack while Waterloo West’s Jada Smith defenders Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls’ Jada Strohman delivers a serve Tuesday against Waterloo West in Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls celebrates a winning point Tuesday against Waterloo West in Cedar Falls.
Waterloo West celebrates a winning point against Cedar Falls Tuesday in Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls attacker Natalie Schmadeke delivers a shot from the back row Tuesday against Waterloo West in Cedar Falls.
Waterloo West’s libero Isabelle Rand saves a ball from going out of bounds Tuesday against Cedar Falls in Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls’ Kya Bradfield strikes an attack across the net as Waterloo West’s Ava Jones moves in to defend Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Waterloo West’s Ava Jones strikes an attack off the hands of Cedar Falls defenders Grace Hannam (16) and Kya Bradfield (17) Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls celebrates a winning point against Waterloo West Tuesday in Cedar Falls.
Waterloo West’s Ally Landers delivers a pass Tuesday in a match against Cedar Falls in Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls attacker Natalie Schmadeke delivers a cross court shot against Waterloo West Tuesday at Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls middle hitter Grace Hannam follows through on an attack Tuesday against Waterloo West in Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls middle hitter Grace Hannam follows through on an attack Tuesday against Waterloo West in Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls’ Kennedy Krecklow bumps a ball during a match with Waterloo West Tuesday in Cedar Falls.
Waterloo West’s Myka Bromley passes a ball during a match with Cedar Falls Tuesday in Cedar Falls.
Cedar Falls’ Kennedy Krecklow (7) and Brynn Bakula (4) celebrate a big play against Waterloo West Tuesday in Cedar Falls.
Waterloo West’s Jada Smith and Emma Beckman win a joust at the net with Cedar Falls setter Brynn Bakula Tuesday in Cedar Falls.
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Robotics team presents demonstration to school board
More than 50 teams from six states and two foreign countries packed the University of Northern Iowa’s athletic campus for the FIRST Robotics C…
The $1,000 will go toward technology purchases upgrading the high school FIRST Robotics Competition team computers.
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