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The Community Foundation of the Ozarks has opened applications for $1.7 million in scholarships available to students across the region.
In addition to traditional options for graduating high school seniors, scholarships are also available to students in undergraduate, graduate and technical programs, according to a press release from the group. Those scholarships range from $200 to $10,000, and many of them are renewable.
The CFO and regional affiliate foundations run about 450 scholarship endowments that will offer about 950 scholarships for the upcoming 2025-26 school year. New ones recently set up include:
Qualifications for the full list of scholarships can be found on the foundation’s website. The application period, which opened on Jan. 2, closes on March 16.
The foundation also offers an online universal application that allows students to apply for multiple scholarships. The application includes a series of questions that pair students with qualifying scholarships.
People or organizations interested in creating an endowment can do so with at least $25,000, according to the release.
Joe Hadsall is the education reporter for the Springfield Daily Citizen. Hadsall has more than two decades of experience reporting in the Ozarks with the Joplin Globe, Christian County Headliner News and 417 Magazine. Contact him at (417) 837-3671 or jhadsall@sgfcitizen.org. More by Joe Hadsall
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