Applications for the Cherokee Nation Foundation scholarships can be accessed via and must be submitted by the Jan. 31 deadline. 

Applications for the Cherokee Nation Foundation scholarships can be accessed via and must be submitted by the Jan. 31 deadline. 
TAHLEQUAH – The Jan. 31 deadline for the Cherokee Nation Foundation scholarship application for the 2025-26 academic year is approaching.
Last year, the nonprofit organization awarded $409,000 to 84 high school graduates and 54 university students.
“In my role, I have the privilege of seeing firsthand the impact these scholarships can have in supporting the future of a Cherokee student,” said Janice Randall, executive director of CNF. “I am always encouraged by their passion, energy and enthusiasm, and I know that by investing in their success, we truly are investing in a brighter future for the Cherokee people. One day, these students will come back and be able to give back to their tribe and future generations because of the support they receive now. Education connects us all.”
According to CNF, the look of the applications has changed, but students can continue to expect the same one-stop-shop feel when applying for CNF awards, thanks to a partnership with Communities Foundation of Oklahoma. By creating an online profile, students can be matched to all potential opportunities.
This year, the Martha (Marti) Aleshire Farrington Scholarship was added to CNF’s offerings. Applicants must be a graduating high school senior, undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in an accredited four-year post-secondary institution with a 3.0 GPA. The award is renewable for up to five years.
Last year, through a partnership with the Cherokee Nation Foundation, the Cherokee Phoenix presented its inaugural Cherokee Phoenix Continuing the Legacy Scholarship award to Breanna Hampton. The Northeastern State University student received a $1,000 scholarship and will complete a 10-week paid internship in the 2025 summer.
The Cherokee Phoenix contributed $10,000 to the scholarship, which included revenue from ticket sales at the 2023 Cherokee Phoenix Principal Chief and Deputy Chief Debates, as well as money raised from the silent auction at the Cherokee Phoenix Seven Feathers Awards Gala. CNF matched the initial contribution to launch the annual scholarship. The news outlet was able to add $3,000 to the scholarship fund in 2024 from funds raised at the silent auction held at the 2024 Seven Feathers Awards Gala.
All applications are evaluated based on academic performance as well as community and cultural involvement. Students are eligible to receive CNF scholarships in addition to opportunities provided through the Cherokee Nation College Resource Center and other organizations.
Scholarship awards are announced in late spring. For a full list of available scholarship opportunities or to apply, please visit
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