MONTGOMERY- The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan (CFOS) is pleased to announce that a total of 175 scholarships worth nearly $500 thousand will be awarded from its component funds this spring. High school seniors and adults returning to college are encouraged to apply.
Applications are now open and can be submitted online at until April 14. Upon completing a single application, applicants will receive notifications detailing the specific scholarships they qualify for, along with any additional application requirements. This streamlined process ensures applicants are matched with the most relevant opportunities based on their circumstances and goals.
“Thanks to the unwavering support of our amazing donors, the Foundation continues to provide a diverse array of scholarships each year, profoundly impacting the lives of local students and their families,” said Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan President and CEO Elizabeth Rowley. “As the expenses associated with higher education continue to rise, we are honored to stand behind deserving students, empowering them to pursue their aspirations for higher education, vocational training, and enrichment.”
This year, among the scholarships available is the Service Family Foundation Scholarship, which supports graduating seniors from Minisink Valley and Port Jervis High Schools entering the trades.
Additionally, the Lloyd F. Sweet, Sr. Music Education Scholarship is now open to all Orange County high school graduating seniors. This scholarship will be awarded to a student who is pursuing a music education degree, has demonstrated musical ability, and has participated in high school band, orchestra, or chorus.
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