Photo Courtesy FLACL
Each year, the Friends of Los Alamos County Libraries (FLACL) partners with Los Alamos Public Schools Foundation to award up to five scholarships to college/university-bound high school seniors, for a total sum of $13,500. We’d like all seniors to be aware of this opportunity and to apply.
These awards are given “to honor those who love books,” which speaks for all the volunteers and all the wonderful customers and shoppers in the community who support the non-profit FLACL bookstore! We are sure it also speaks for many seniors at Los Alamos High School and county-approved homeschool programs! The application is easy and fun. Simply write a 500-word (1 – 2 page) personal narrative that tells how a book you have read has added to your understanding of the human condition or has enhanced your life.
The top award, the June and Harry Ettinger Memorial Scholarship, is for $3,500 and renewable by the student for one year if college grades are maintained. The remaining four scholarships are $2,500 each.
The application deadline is Friday, March 28, 2025, and the important submission details and requirements are available from Jacqueline Nolen in the College and Careers office at Los Alamos High School. This is a great opportunity for students to receive support towards their academic future and passions!
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