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Kyle Penney, president of the East Texas Communities Foundation, gives opening remarks at an event in downtown Tyler in 2016. (Tyler Morning Telegraph File)

Kyle Penney, president of the East Texas Communities Foundation, gives opening remarks at an event in downtown Tyler in 2016. (Tyler Morning Telegraph File)
From Staff Reports
East Texas Communities Foundation is currently accepting applications from East Texas students for scholarships to be awarded for the 2025-2026 academic year. The deadline for submission of the online application is March 1. Detailed eligibility criteria and links to the applications are available at
Seven new scholarships are available this year including:
Lady Denise Sanders Robertson Memorial Scholarship: The Lady Denise Sanders Robertson Scholarship was established by New Life Community Church in 2024 to honor the legacy of Lady Denise for inspiring youth. This scholarship supports African American students graduating from high school or non-traditional students from Smith County as well as non-traditional students attending a college or university in Smith County. Applicants must plan to major in Theology, Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, Social Sciences or Physical Sciences.
Kay Howry & Freda Harder Encouragement Scholarship: The Kay Howry & Freda Harder Encouragement Scholarship honors the legacy of these educators and the positive impact they made on their students. Kay and Freda had the ability to motivate, inspire, encourage and help students see their personal strength and potential. This scholarship will be available for graduating seniors from Tyler High School, Early College High School, and RISE in Tyler, and LaPoyner High School in LaRue, Texas.
Larry R. Smith First Responders Scholarship: The Larry R. Smith First Responders Scholarship was established in 2024 by the Larry R. Smith & Friends Smiles Four Kids Golf Tournament committee. This scholarship is intended to help students that desire to pursue a career in public safety.
Eiche Family Scholarship: The Eiche Family Scholarship will support graduating seniors from schools located in Smith County, Texas. A renewable scholarship, the recipient may attend any college or university in the 32 East Texas counties included in the Foundation’s service area.
St. Paul Presbyterrian Scholarship: The St. Paul Presbyterian Legacy Scholarship was established in 2024 by the Grace Presbytery of Northeast Texas after the sale of the St. Paul Presbyterian Church, which was located in Carthage Texas. This scholarship supports students living in the Grace Presbytery. A preference will be given to students that have been influenced by former members of the ministry of St. Paul Presbyterian Church as well as students that have been influenced by the ministries of Grace Presbytery.
Tabbotha McGee Memorial Scholarship: The Tabbotha McGee Memorial Scholarship was established in 2024 by her husband of over thirty years, Broderick. Tabbotha was a 1988 graduate of John Tyler High School. She attended Tyler Junior College where she pursued and received licensure as an LVN. She went on to complete her RN and Master’s degree passing the required competencies to become a Nurse Practitioner. This scholarship supports students attending Tyler ISD schools who plan to attend Tyler Junior College and pursue an LVN. A preference will be given to student athletes, students participating in HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) and students from Tyler High School.
Nancy A. Berkhouse Classical Art Scholarship: The Nancy A. Berkhouse Classical Art Scholarship will be awarded to a current college student who is pursuing an arts degree with a strong preference for students pursuing the Classicism, Realism, or Classical Realism painting genre, characterized by accurate proportions, clear and logical expression of subjects; such as the style found commonly in Western Art including still life, portrait, landscape and seascape, indoor and outdoor figure painting. Nancy A. Berkhouse’s passion was the beauty of God’s creation and appreciation of those artists who sought to capture that beauty realistically.
For a complete list of scholarships, visit or call ETCF Program Officers, Dana Durman or Kathryn Martinez at 903-533-0208.
Originally published on, part of the BLOX Digital Content Exchange.
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