Energy technology competition


Are you ready to participate in the 2024 EnergyCreates competition? This exciting event offers innovators and enthusiasts a platform to showcase their groundbreaking energy solutions. To help you navigate the competition smoothly, we’ve distilled the essential rules and tips from the official EnergyCreates Competition Rules. Understanding these guidelines is crucial to ensure your entry stands out and complies with all requirements.

Understanding the Eligibility Criteria

To participate in the EnergyCreates competition, you must meet specific eligibility criteria. Participants can be individuals or teams from any country, provided they meet the age requirement of 18 years or older. Additionally, all participants must have a background or interest in energy innovation, which can include students, professionals, or hobbyists in the field.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Project Scope: Your project should focus on innovative solutions in the energy sector. This can range from renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency improvements, to novel energy storage systems.
  2. Documentation: Detailed documentation is crucial. Your submission should include a comprehensive project report, highlighting the problem addressed, the proposed solution, methodology, results, and potential impact. Including diagrams, charts, and other visual aids can enhance your submission.
  3. Prototype Requirements: If applicable, a working prototype or a detailed simulation of your solution should be included. This will help judges evaluate the feasibility and practical application of your project.
  4. Video Presentation: A video presentation (up to 10 minutes) is required to succinctly explain your project. Ensure your video is clear, engaging, and professionally presented.

Evaluation Criteria

Understanding the evaluation criteria is vital for a successful entry. Projects will be judged based on the following:

  1. Innovation: How novel is your solution? Judges will look for originality and creativity.
  2. Feasibility: Is your solution practical and implementable in the real world?
  3. Impact: What potential impact does your solution have on the energy sector and beyond? Consider environmental, economic, and social impacts.
  4. Technical Merit: How well is your project supported by technical data and analysis?

Deadlines and Important Dates

  • Registration Deadline: Ensure you register your participation by the specified deadline. Late entries may not be considered.
  • Submission Deadline: All project materials, including documentation and videos, must be submitted by the stated deadline.
  • Judging Period: The judging period will follow the submission deadline, during which the judges will evaluate all entries.
  • Announcement of Winners: The winners will be announced on the official website and through various media channels.

Tips for a Winning Submission

  1. Start Early: Give yourself ample time to develop and refine your project. Rushed submissions are often less polished and can miss critical details.
  2. Thorough Research: Conduct thorough research to support your solution. Citing relevant studies and data can strengthen your project’s credibility.
  3. Clear Communication: Ensure your documentation and video presentation are clear and concise. Avoid jargon and explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand.
  4. Seek Feedback: Before submitting, seek feedback from peers or mentors. They can provide valuable insights and help you identify any weaknesses in your project.


The EnergyCreates competition is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your innovative energy solutions. By carefully following the competition rules and focusing on the evaluation criteria, you can enhance your chances of success. Remember, clarity, thoroughness, and creativity are your best allies. Good luck!

For more detailed information, visit the official EnergyCreates Competition Rules.