Fastfrate Group and its parent company, Tepper Holdings, have donated $1 million to Audrey’s Place Foundation, marking the third consecutive year of contributions to the charitable organization.
The previous donations supported the University Health Network and Southlake’s Stronach Regional Cancer Centre, respectively. This year’s donation of $500,000 from each company will be directed towards nursing scholarships, supporting students at the University of Toronto’s Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing.
These scholarships provide financial assistance to undergraduate, master’s, and PhD students based on need and academic merit. Eleven nursing students received scholarships through this initiative, with awards renewed for those maintaining strong academic standing.
“We are honored to continue our support for Audrey’s Place Foundation and these nursing scholarships,” said Manny Calandrino, chief executive officer of Fastfrate Group, in a news release. “Investing in the future of healthcare by helping nursing students pursue their education is a responsibility we take seriously. These students represent the next generation of caregivers, and we are proud to contribute to their success.”

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