Federated Rural Electric Association is accepting applications for two $1000 Basin and L&O scholarships. Marketing and Communications Manager Andrea Christoffer talks about what students need to do to apply. news Christoffer cut 1 (1) “You do need to be the son or daughter of a Federated member so they must have an electric account with us and here’s what the application entails. It’s a two page application. You also have to include your grades transcript, your ACT or SAT scores – that’s optional – and the essay is probably the hard part but the topic is on “How does electricity provided by your electric cooperative, meanwhile Federated, improve the quality of life in your community.” 
The scholarships are available to high school seniors and college students who will be enrolled full time in an accredited two-year or four-year college, university or vocational/technical school working on an undergraduate degree. Previous Federated-Basin scholarship winners are not eligible to apply again. Applicants must be 25 and under and a U.S. Citizen. Christoffer said Only 11 people applied last year so your odds of winning are pretty good if you are willing to put in the work.Christoffer talks about how you can get an application. news christoffer cut 2 
“You can get these applications from our website, federatedrea.coop, or stop by your local Jackson or Martin County school counselor and they will have those applications as well.” 
The deadline to apply for the scholarships is January 27th. The scholarship must be used for college during Fall of 2025. Last year’s Basin scholarship winners were Katie Hartke of Sherburn and Elese Paplow of Lakefield. 
Federated REA Operation Round Up Scholarship applications will go out with the February electric bills.
