Berkshire Botanical Garden ornamental vegetable garden.

Upcoming program at Berkshire Botanical Garden
STOCKBRIDGE – Berkshire Botanical Garden presents the following upcoming programs. Saturday, March 15, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., “Seed Starting.” Learn vegetable and flower seed-starting and plant-growing techniques from organic grower Maureen Sullivan of Left Field Farm. This lecture and hands-on workshop will focus on indoor sowing and growing practices, including preparation of an effective seed-sowing schedule, techniques for successful germination of challenging seeds, and management of plants at various stages of growth. Workshop participants will practice seed sowing and will transplant a variety of plants to take home for the spring and summer growing seasons. All supplies are included in the class cost. Cost $50 members, $70 nonmembers; Saturday, March 15, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., “Spring Pruning of Woody Ornamental Plants.” Spring is a great time to assess woody shrubs for shape, structure and winter damage. The arborist Kieran Yaple will demonstrate how to renovate, rejuvenate and shape shrubs and small ornamental trees for structure, health and optimal. The class will cover viburnums, lilacs, witch hazel, deciduous azaleas, sweetshrubs, crabapples, and ornamental cherries. Participants should dress for the weather and bring pruners, work gloves and lunch. Some pruners, provided by BBG, will be available for use. Cost $60 members, $80 members.To register or for more information, visit Berkshire Botanical Garden is located at 5 West Stockbridge Road.
Agawam Garden Club meeting
AGAWAM – Agawam Garden Club’s first meeting for the 2025 season will be held March 11 at the Agawam Public Library at 6:30 p.m. The library is located at 750 Cooper Street, After a short business meeting Patti Bessette owner of Zenful Spaces will demonstrate the art of kokedamas- Japanese moss balls. Kokedama is the practice of suspending the root ball of a plant in a mud ball that’s coated in a sheet of moss. Members are reminded to bring their annual dues. All club meetings are open to the public and not restricted to Agawam residents.
West Springfield Garden Club Meeting
WEST SPRINGFIELD – The West Springfield Garden Club will hold its meeting on Thursday March 20, 6 p.m. at the Irish Cultural Center, 429 Morgan Road. The speaker for the evening will be Patti Bessette, a WSGC member. Her topic is Zen Gardening, and will cover the basic components and rules including plants, statuary, plant care, and other accoutrements. She will share her own Zen gardening journey in designing and installing a garden. The public is welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Joan at
Spring Garden workshop
WESTFIELD – The Western Mass Master Gardner Association presents Spring Gardening Workshops on Saturday, March 29 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Westfield South Middle School. Featuring 10 classes designed to educate and empower the home gardener. Visit for more information and to register. Each participant will get to choose 2 of the 10 presentations. Cost $30 through March 27, walk-ins day of event $40 (cash only). Other features include pH soil testing, vendors, Ask a Master Gardener table, informational tables, raffle with garden-related products, used books, complimentary refreshments.
Wilbraham Garden Club Scholarship
WILBRAHAM – The Wilbraham Garden Club announces that applications are now being accepted for two, $1000 scholarships to financially assist graduating seniors, who are residents of Wilbraham or Hampden, as they transition to an institution of higher learning.
All applicants must be planning to major in one of these fields of study:
Botany, Horticulture, Conservation, Environmental Engineering, Environment Science, Earth Systems, Forest Management, Natural Resources, Plant, Soil and Insect Science, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Horticulture, Food and Farming, Turf Grass Science & Management, Landscape Design & Management Technology, Landscape Architecture, Oceanography, Clean Energy Technology, Floral Design or Land Management.
Applicants must include a personal essay of 100-200 words, official high school transcript(s), two letters of recommendation, college acceptance letter(s) if available, along with the completed Wilbraham Garden Club Scholarship application. All required documentation must be received on or before March 31. Notifications will be made by early May and the recipients will be awarded their scholarships at the annual meeting of the Wilbraham Garden Club on June 5. Scholarship applications will be available at the Wilbraham and Hampden Public Libraries, Minnechaug Regional High School and Wilbraham Monson Academy. Please contact with questions or to receive an application.
East Longmeadow Garden Club Scholarship
EAST LONGMEADOW – $1,000 Garden Club Scholarship Applications are now available for the 2025 Esther A. Rosati Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 at the East Longmeadow High School guidance office, the East Longmeadow Public Library and can be downloaded from
Applicants must: presently be an East Longmeadow High School senior or a recent graduate of East Longmeadow High school who is planning to attend an institution of higher learning in the fall of 2025; or an East Longmeadow High School graduate student who is a resident of East Longmeadow and is attending an institution of higher learning; or an East Longmeadow High School student who is a resident and has been accepted to participate in a special academic program.
All applicants must be planning to pursue a degree in Agriculture, Botany, Conservation, Ecology, Environmental Science or any other related field. Applications and a copy of an official transcript must be received on or before March 15th. Applicants being considered may be contacted by the East Longmeadow Garden Club’s Scholarship Committee for an interview.
The recipient will be awarded the $1,000 scholarship at the annual May meeting of the East Longmeadow Garden Club. Send completed application and transcript to: East Longmeadow Garden Club Scholarship Committee, c/o Diane A. Tiago, 38 Rogers Road, East Longmeadow, MA 01028.
Agawam Garden Club scholarships
AGAWAM – Applications are now available for the Agawam Garden Club 2025 scholarship. To qualify for the scholarship students must be a graduating senior of Agawam High School or a college student who graduated from Agawam High School and is planning to attend an institution of higher learning in the Fall. Applicants must be majoring in or planning on majoring in one of the following: botany, environmental engineering, environmental science, earths systems, forest management, natural resources, plant soil and insect science, sustainable agriculture, sustainable horticulture or food and farming, turf grass science and management, landscape design and management technology, clean energy, technology studies: waste water or other environmental related studies.
The recipient will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship at the clubs annual May meeting. Completed applications along with transcripts and references must be submitted to Denise Carmody, 40 Primrose Lane, Agawam MA 01001 by April 1st. Applications are available through Agawam High School or can be found on our website at
West Springfield Garden Club Scholarships
WEST SPRINGFIELD – The West Springfield Garden club is pleased to announce that two $2000 scholarships are available for qualified high school seniors or post-secondary students during the spring of 2025. Applicants must be West Springfield residents. Scholarships are available for students with a focus of study in one or more of the following areas: Horticulture, Agriculture, Ecology, Botany, Environmental Studies, Landscape Design or Forestry.
Applicants must submit a completed application along with a written one-page document which explains their plans for after graduation in any of the above -mentioned fields and how the grant will assist in their career choice.
Applications forms are available at the Guidance Offices of Lower Pioneer Valley Educational Collaborative, West Springfield High School, or on the West Springfield Garden Club web site,
Applicants from WSHS or LPVEC will submit their completed application and written entry to their Guidance Office. Postsecondary student applicants can submit their materials directly to: WSGC Scholarship Committee, c/o West Springfield Park and Recreation, 26 Central St. suite 19, West Springfield, MA 01089.
All applications must be received by the Scholarship Committee by April 11.
The successful candidates will be notified via mail in mid-May.

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