ATLANTA — A Georgia high school senior is reaching beyond the stars for a bright future ahead!
Madiysen Kuykendall, 17, is a senior and volleyball player at Langston Hughes High School in Fairburn, Georgia. She has a 4.0 GPA and is in the top 10 percent of her class- along with being class president and working two jobs.
As of Tuesday, Madiysen said she has been accepted into 53 colleges with $1.5 million in scholarships- from the University of Michigan, Howard University, Xavier University and Spelman College, among many others. 
“I felt in awe,” Madiysen said when she received her college acceptance letters. “That was my goal at the beginning of the school year. I did want to have $1 million in scholarships.”
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Among Madiysen’s top contenders for school, she said she would like to attend Spelman College or Howard University – but her options are limitless! 
“It has been an amazing ride, and as a mom, I’ve just been riding the wave with her… It’s an amazing feeling. I wouldn’t trade this phase right now for the world,” Madisyen’s mom, Quianna Kuykendall, said. “I’m excited to see her go on this journey, I’m there every step of the way.”
Madiysen wants to major in biology on a pre-med track to become a pediatric surgeon. She said her goal is to own her own clinic to help kids. 
She also has advice for other students who are currently applying to college. 

“The stars are not the limit, you can go as far as you can go,” Madiysen added. “Set a goal, but just remember you can always exceed that goal.”
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