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HOUSTON — Higher education is not a given for many families. A local scholarship fund is helping make dreams become reality, like in the cast of Tina Tran.
Tran is now a freshman at the University of Houston. This dream came to life after she was awarded the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship from the Greater Houston Frontiers Club, receiving $2,000 annually toward her undergraduate studies. The award marks a significant milestone for Tran, whose parents immigrated to Houston from Vietnam and had to abandon their own high school education to support their family.
“My parents, they never were able to pursue their high school graduation. So they came to high school for a little bit, and then they had to drop out to work to earn money,” Tran explained.
Determined to honor her parents’ sacrifices, Tran excelled academically, graduating as Salutatorian from Westfield High School last year. Aware of her family’s financial challenges, she actively sought scholarship opportunities.
“I wanted to alleviate that burden for them. So I like went looking for all these scholarships,” she said.
The scholarship represents more than just financial assistance for Tran.
“This is a step for my parents to be better,” she shared.
Now pursuing studies to become a speech language pathologist, Tran aims to make a difference in her community.
“I want to help people who have difficulty of communicating, want to be heard, wanting to speak, and I want to uplift their voices for the community,” she explained.
The Greater Houston Frontiers Club’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship program aims to support more than 60 students with $2,000 scholarships each. The organization’s scholarship campaign continues through January 31.
RELATED: Help make the dream of college a reality for deserving students through scholarships