FORT ST. JOHN, B.C. — Economic think-tank the Conference Board of Canada released new figures on Wednesday highlighting the positive impact of Indigenous revitalization projects throughout Canada.
According to a press release, the $48.6 million in grant money delivered from the First People’s Cultural Council (FPCC) led to an unprecedented $91.2 million in gross domestic product (GDP) throughout Canada in 2023-24.
The report adds investments in revitalization projects from the FPCC, such as the Tse’k’wa Heritage Site located in Charlie Lake, helped contribute to $142.3 million in output in the economy through the implementation of grants.
The grants also assist in job training and skill building, and added 1,822 jobs over the one-year period.
FPCC chief executive officer Tracey Herbert says the numbers released highlight revitalization projects throughout the country, which are a “driver of economic activity” in First Nations communities and beyond.
“This report demonstrates significant impact of this work beyond the programs we deliver, proving that the First Peoples’ Cultural Council and the communities we support are a great investment,” said Herbert.
“Our cultural revitalization work is a key contributor to the economies of B.C. and Canada.”
Executive Director of the Tse’K’wa Hertiage Society Alyssa Currie confirmed that over $580,000 has been contributed by the FPCC to the site for infrastructure projects since 2018. 
Revitalization grant funding assisted Tse’k’wa Heritage Society in celebrating the repatriation of excavated artifacts to the non-profit earlier in 2024
In July, objects such as animal remains and notes from excavations by Simon Fraser University archeologists in 1979 and 1983 were returned. 
The site is co-owned by Doig River First Nation, West Moberly First Nations, and Prophet River First Nation.
Diane Desjarlais, Project Assistant on the Repatriation for Tse’k’wa, said the site has created employment and economic opportunities for both First Nations and non-Indigenous communities.
She adds the site “opens doors” for First Nations to celebrate their history, educate visitors, and develop skills to preserve Indigenous heritage.
“I am so excited to be part of the work going forward as it allows me to learn, share, and strengthen the cultural significance of this incredible site,” said Desjarlais.
The full press release and report can be found here
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A guy who found his calling later in life, Edward Hitchins is a professional storyteller with a colourful and extensive history.
Beginning his journey into journalism in 2012 at Seneca College, Edward also graduated from Humber College with an Advanced Diploma in Print and Broadcast Journalism in 2018.  After time off from his career and venturing into other vocations, he started his career proper in 2022 in Campbell River, B.C.
Edward was attracted to the position of Indigenous Voices reporter with Energeticcity as a challenge.  Having not been around First Nations for the majority of his life, he hopes to learn about their culture through meaningful conversations while properly telling their stories. 
In a way, he hopes this position will allow both himself and Energeticcity to grow as a collective unit as his career moves forward and evolves into the next step.
He looks forward to growing both as a reporter and as a human being while being posted in Fort St. John.
This reporting position has been funded by the Government of Canada and the Local Journalism Initiative.
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