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KINGSTON, N.Y. — The Kiwanis Club of Kingston is offering a scholarship to Kingston High School seniors planning to attend either a trade school, certificate program, community college, or college/university.
Applications are available in the guidance office through Friday, April 4. They are due Monday, April 7. Applications must include an essay not to exceed one page, double-spaced, explaining the students’ reasons and need for the scholarship. Why do they deserve the scholarship? If there are special circumstances students believe are important for consideration, they should incorporate them into the essay.
The applications will be judged by a committee of Kiwanis members.
Since its inception, the Kiwanis Club has awarded more than $800,000 in scholarships to local students. Funding for these scholarships comes from club activities such as the Kiwanis Kingston Classic, the Kapers show, and golf outings. For more information or to apply for the scholarship, send an email to kingstonkiwanisscholarship@gmail.com.
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