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A few passing clouds. Low 36F. Winds light and variable..
A few passing clouds. Low 36F. Winds light and variable.
Updated: January 1, 2025 @ 10:37 pm
January 1, 2025
KPUB’s 2024 scholarship recipients are, from left, Lucas Green, Tivy High School; Manami “Ally” Dolley, Tivy High School; Abel Luna, Ingram Tom Moore High School; Larry Howard, KPUB board chairman; and Allison Bueche, KPUB director of customer and community relations. Not pictured is Gael Cruces, Tivy High School.
KPUB’s 2024 scholarship recipients are, from left, Lucas Green, Tivy High School; Manami “Ally” Dolley, Tivy High School; Abel Luna, Ingram Tom Moore High School; Larry Howard, KPUB board chairman; and Allison Bueche, KPUB director of customer and community relations. Not pictured is Gael Cruces, Tivy High School.
Since 2013, KPUB has awarded more than $120,000 in scholarships to seniors within its service area, helping to turn college and career dreams into reality.
The community-owned utility company is again offering opportunities for both full-time undergraduate students and trade/technical school students to receive scholarships.
KPUB is offering two $1,500 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are enrolling for the first time in a full-time course of study at an accredited private or public college or university in the state of Texas.
The deadline to apply for these scholarships is Friday, Feb. 28.
These full-time undergraduate scholarships are renewable for a total of up to $6,000 overall.
Two $1,000 trade school or technical student scholarships also are being offered. These are renewable for a total of $2,000 overall.
Applications are accepted year-round at the KPUB office for our trade school and technical scholarship offerings.
Scholarship applications and eligibility criteria are available on KPUB’s website at or at KPUB’s office, 2250 Memorial Blvd., Kerrville.
“KPUB is proud to continue our tradition of supporting local students through these scholarships. By investing in the education of our youth, we’re helping to build a brighter future for our entire community,” said Allison Bueché, KPUB director of customer and community relations.
The Kerrville Public Utility Board was acquired by the city of Kerrville in 1987. KPUB serves approximately 24,000 customers throughout its 146-square-mile service area, including Kerrville, Center Point, Ingram, Hunt and surrounding areas in Kerr County.
KPUB is overseen by a five-member board of trustees who serve without compensation and who are responsible to the city of Kerrville for the management and control of the system.
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