LAFAYETTE PARISH — Episcopal School in Lafayette is one of the private schools now available to families who can apply for the LA Gator Scholarship, a program designed to help eligible students attend private schools.
Applications for the scholarship opened on March 1st, and nearly 14,000 eligible families have already signed up, according to The Advocate. The LA Gator Scholarship allows eligible families to receive tax dollars to cover private-school tuition and other educational expenses like tutoring, textbooks, or special education services.
To qualify, students must live in Louisiana and meet one of several eligibility criteria. This includes children who received school vouchers this year and families with a total income at or below 250% of federal poverty guidelines. There is no income cap for incoming kindergarteners or students transitioning from public school.
Governor Landry recently proposed allocating $93.5 million for the LA Gator Scholarship next school year, potentially funding nearly 11,500 scholarships, according to his spending plan. However, this funding still requires approval from state lawmakers.
Jacqueline Richard, a parent from St. Landry Parish, is excited about the opportunity for her daughter, who will start kindergarten in August. Richard has already applied for the scholarship and is hopeful for the chance to send her daughter to the school of her choice.
“It’s so important to me that her next six years are centered around an environment that offers her academic excellence, but also a community that keeps her excited about learning,” Richard said. “When I heard about this opportunity, I was like, ‘Oh, this is great. She can go to the school that I was desiring for her to attend.’”
Richard is still awaiting acceptance.
If there is insufficient funding to cover all applicants, the program includes prioritization criteria to determine which students will receive the scholarship.
It’s also important to note that even if students are awarded the scholarship, they must still follow the application process of their chosen school and be accepted.
The LA Gator Scholarship application closes on April 15th.