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Lowering and thickening clouds. A steady snow developing overnight. Low 23F. Winds SW at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of snow 80%. Snow accumulations less than one inch..
Lowering and thickening clouds. A steady snow developing overnight. Low 23F. Winds SW at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of snow 80%. Snow accumulations less than one inch.
Updated: January 25, 2025 @ 7:25 pm

LOWVILLE — Applications for the 2025 Molly Pitcher Lewis Memorial Scholarships are available in the guidance offices of all area schools and the human resources office at Lewis County General Hospital.
The scholarships are awarded to students pursuing health-related careers, with the hope they will return to live and work in the area.
The Hospital Auxiliary sponsors the scholarship in memory of Mrs. Harry (Molly Pitcher) Lewis, who helped establish the Lewis County Hospital.
The memorial fund was founded in 1957 and the auxiliary has been providing annual scholarships since that year.
Awards are given each year to qualifying applicants. Applicants must be Lewis County residents, or Lewis County Health System employees or immediate relatives of employees.
Applicants are eligible to reapply for the award each year they are enrolled in a health-related curriculum/program.
Applications must be postmarked by April 1. Applications and questions should be referred to Pam Truax (315-778-5319) or Vickie Rounds (315-221-0206).
Johnson Newspapers 7.1
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