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MACON, Ga. — Georgia released a list of the bottom 25% of schools in the state, but this year, the list is a little more important.
After Georgia’s legislature passed the “Georgia Promise Scholarship,” students who live in these zones could soon receive $6,500 in scholarships to attend private school instead. 
The state posted an updated list after releasing an original list late last year. According to the Georgia Public Policy Foundation, they say they ran into some complications.
Advocates for the Georgia Promise program says the scholarship gives parents more options in making the best educational choices for their students. Critics think it will take money from public education while not providing the resources to improve the state’s public schools.
Funds for students are not yet available. The application opens in early 2025 and funds will become available after July 1, 2025.  
A family must make less than four times the federal poverty level to qualify, which equals $125,000 for a family of four.
The student must be enrolled in an eligible Georgia public school for two semesters to qualify or be a rising kindergartener.
These are the Central Georgia schools that are eligible for the Georgia Promise Scholarship. 
