Christel Carlyle has received the Zora Ellis Scholarship from The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. The Honor Society for women educators promotes excellence in education and personal and professional growth of women educators. By providing graduate scholarships to members, the organization emphasizes leadership development for its more than 50,000 members in 17 countries. A member of the Society’s, Eta State and Sigma Chapter, Carlyle, is attending East Carolina University, where she is seeking a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership.
Karen Evans International Scholarship Committee Chairperson announced the recipients following the committee’s recent meeting. “We granted eight Doctoral Scholarships of $10,000 each for the 2025-2026 academic year,” Evans said.
Recipients must have earned a Master’s Degree, be enrolled in a recognized doctorate program and have been a Society member for at least three years to qualify for scholarship consideration. Since its scholarship program began in 1940, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International has given 1206 women educators more than $5,800,000 in scholarships. In addition to international scholarships, many state organizations and local chapters have scholarship funds to assist members pursuing graduate study.
The honor organization of key women educators was formed in Austin, Texas, on May 11, 1929, by Dr. Annie Webb Blanton from a nucleus of 12 founders representing all levels of education, kindergarten through university, from various parts of Texas. Professor of rural education at the University of Texas, Dr. Blanton was elected president of the Texas State Teachers’ Association in 1916, the first woman to hold the office. Blanton was also the first woman to serve Texas as State Superintendent of Public Instruction, having been elected to that post in 1918.
Karen Evans International Scholarship Committee Chairperson announced the recipients following the committee’s recent meeting. “We granted eight Doctoral Scholarships of $10,000 each for the 2025-2026 academic year,” Evans said. 
Recipients must have earned a Master’s Degree, be enrolled in a recognized doctorate program and have been a Society member for at least three years to qualify for scholarship consideration. Since its scholarship program began in 1940, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International has given 1206 women educators more than $5,800,000 in scholarships. In addition to international scholarships, many state organizations and local chapters have scholarship funds to assist members pursuing graduate study. 
The honor organization of key women educators was formed in Austin, Texas, on May 11, 1929, by Dr. Annie Webb Blanton from a nucleus of 12 founders representing all levels of education, kindergarten through university, from various parts of Texas. Professor of rural education at the University of Texas, Dr. Blanton was elected president of the Texas State Teachers’ Association in 1916, the first woman to hold the office.  Blanton was also the first woman to serve Texas as State Superintendent of Public Instruction, having been elected to that post in 1918.  
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