Duration: Scholarship will be provided for the entire academic year/course. Similarly, the maintenance allowance will be given as fixed lump sum amount for an academic year (Rs.10,000/- for Hosteller and Rs. 5,000/- for Day Scholar).
Eligibility: Scholarship will be awarded to the students who have secured not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade in the previous final examination and the annual income of whose parents/guardians from all sources does not exceed Rs.2.50 lakh.
Rate of Scholarship: The details of the scheme interventions for the three years viz.2017-18 to 2019-20 are as under:
How to Apply?
Last Date: October 31, 2022
For more details, please visit: https://scholarships.gov.in/public/schemeGuidelines/MoMA_MCM_2018-20.pdf