BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) – It’s no secret that medical school is expensive. A lot of would-be doctors might opt out of the field because of those costs. Those who do go often need to take jobs in larger hospitals in bigger cities to be able to pay their student loans back. North Dakota Health and Human Services (ND HHS) wants to change that.
Dr. Tyrone Berentson has been working in family medicine at SMP St. Andrew’s in Bottineau for about two and a half years. He grew up on a cattle ranch, and while he completed his residency in Grand Forks, he missed working in a rural community. When he finished training, he landed a job at the hospital in Bottineau.
“I love what a rural community offers. I think being a part of a tight-knit community where you know three generations of the family that you’re working with— I really appreciate that aspect of it. So, my intention is to stay in rural North Dakota,” Dr. Berentson said.
State scholarship programs like the one Dr. Berentson is in can help cover anywhere from $22,000 to $50,000 in tuition for healthcare students. Would-be nurses, physician assistants and counselors qualify, too.
In a news release from ND HHS, Interim Commissioner Dirk Wilke said: “Recruiting and retaining a trained, qualified health care workforce, including in rural and underserved areas, is vital to reaching our goal of being the healthiest state in the nation.”
Dr. Berentson said working in a rural healthcare system lets him connect with his patients. He said people often worry programs like these will attract students who only plan on living in small communities for the duration of their contract, but he said that is definitely not always the case.
“That would discount the benefit for keeping the rural people who were born here and want to stay here,” Dr. Berentson said.
Once Dr. Berentson finishes his five years at St. Andrew’s, his loan repayment contract with the state will be up, but he said he has no intention of leaving anytime soon.
Scholarship applications are open until March 31. You can apply through HHS’ website.
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