APPLY FOR COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS — Scholarships administered by North Carolina Community Foundation are open for applications at

APPLY FOR COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS — Scholarships administered by North Carolina Community Foundation are open for applications at
Haywood County students can apply for nearly 140 college scholarships administered through the North Carolina Community Foundation with a single application.
In addition, the foundation is administering a special Disaster Relief and Resilience Scholarship to assist students in Western North Carolina whose ability to pay for their education has been impacted by Hurricane Helene. This scholarship is also available through NCCF’s Universal Scholarships Application.
Almost $1.8 million in available scholarship funds is available through the universal application.
The scholarships administered by the North Carolina Community Foundation represent nearly $1.8 million in available scholarship funds.
The Universal Scholarships Application matches information about the student — such as county of residence, grade point average or intended major — with criteria for the scholarships. Students are then alerted to all scholarships for which they may be eligible and must submit any required supplemental information to apply. More detailed instructions for applicants are available at
About a dozen other NCCF scholarships have separate applications with different due dates. Students are encouraged to review the criteria for those and follow the instructions on how to apply.
Most NCCF scholarships close for 2025 applications at the end of the day Monday, March 3. There is no cost to apply, and students can apply online using NCCF’s Universal Scholarships Application.
All scholarships are established through endowment funds established at NCCF with criteria determined by the donor. In 2024, NCCF awarded nearly $1.5 million in scholarships to 360 students.
Scholarships are available for students from all 100 counties, including for non-traditional students, and for students attending all types of institutions, including community colleges.
As eligibility criteria vary greatly, all students are encouraged to complete the NCCF Universal Scholarships Application on the NCCF Scholarships Portal. To learn more and get started, students should visit

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