HARRIMAN, Tenn. — A former Oak Ridge family has gifted $10,000 to the Roane State Foundation. This money will support two different scholarships benefitting Roane State students.
According to a release from the community college, the donation will be split between the Phung Family Scholarship Fund and the Herma Postma/PAI Corporation Scholarship Endowment. The release said Dr. Doan L. Phung established his first endowment with the foundation in 1991.
“He now lives in Las Vegas, dividing his time between the U.S. and Vietnam, but has continued to expand efforts to give back to the East Tennessee community,” the release said.
The college also said the scholarship is awarded annually to an enrolled student. The Herman Postma/PAI Corporation endowment provides a merit-based award each year to a graduating high school senior planning to attend Roane State.
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