Dick Michaud presents four scholarships, totaling $2,250, on behalf of Shavano Academic Booster Club Monday night in John Held Auditorium. Recipients are, from left, Danyel Enz, Lexi Trujillo, Heidi Gilmore and Michaela Weber.
On behalf of the Salida Rotary Club, Terry Scanga and Brett Haydin present $5,250 in scholarships to eight Salida High School seniors in John Held Auditorium Monday night. Recipients are, from left, Dominica Alloy, Kendra Johnson, Michaela Weber, Shelby Carothers, Travis Clark, Danyel Enz, Kaiti Davis, Bethany Higgins and Jared McDonald.
Sixth-grade teacher Corey Scheffel congratulates Heidi Gilmore for winning one of two scholarships granted by Salida Education Association Monday night in John Held Auditorium. Dominica Alloy received the other one. The scholarships are awarded to deserving students who plan to pursue degrees in education.
Travis Clark accepts the Elsie Stallsworth Memorial Scholarship from Billie Love during the annual scholarship awards ceremony in John Held Auditorium Monday night. Clark received more than $5,000 in scholarships over the course of the evening.
Dick Michaud presents four scholarships, totaling $2,250, on behalf of Shavano Academic Booster Club Monday night in John Held Auditorium. Recipients are, from left, Danyel Enz, Lexi Trujillo, Heidi Gilmore and Michaela Weber.
On behalf of the Salida Rotary Club, Terry Scanga and Brett Haydin present $5,250 in scholarships to eight Salida High School seniors in John Held Auditorium Monday night. Recipients are, from left, Dominica Alloy, Kendra Johnson, Michaela Weber, Shelby Carothers, Travis Clark, Danyel Enz, Kaiti Davis, Bethany Higgins and Jared McDonald.
Sixth-grade teacher Corey Scheffel congratulates Heidi Gilmore for winning one of two scholarships granted by Salida Education Association Monday night in John Held Auditorium. Dominica Alloy received the other one. The scholarships are awarded to deserving students who plan to pursue degrees in education.
Travis Clark accepts the Elsie Stallsworth Memorial Scholarship from Billie Love during the annual scholarship awards ceremony in John Held Auditorium Monday night. Clark received more than $5,000 in scholarships over the course of the evening.
More than 65 scholarships were awarded to Salida High School seniors and juniors during the annual scholarship presentation ceremony in John Held Auditorium Monday night.
Two-thirds of those scholarships added up to $32,250; the other third were presented without dollar amounts listed.
School counselor Rob Tressler, who presided over the event, said some of the presenting organizations may not know the amounts given because they often include interest accrued by the relevant account.
Danyel Enz crossed the stage to accept awards most frequently, receiving eight scholarships: $1,000 from the Salida Masonic Lodge No. 57, $1,000 from Support Our Schools Salida partnering with Nestlé; $500 from Shavano Academic Booster Club and five other awards, the amounts of which were not announced.
Travis Clark and Lexi Trujillo each earned seven scholarships. Clark’s totaled $4,750, plus three scholarships for undisclosed amounts. Trujillo received $3,750, plus three with undisclosed amounts.
Kaiti Davis, Dominica Alloy and Shelby Carothers received five scholarships each. Davis’ awards totaled $5,500, plus one scholarship with award amount not announced. Carothers earned $1,750, plus three scholarships of undisclosed value. Alloy’s scholarships totaled $4,000, plus two with undisclosed amounts.
Cole Hiser and Heidi Gilmore each won four scholarships. Joe Coffman and Kendra Johnson both received three.
Other scholarship recipients were Cordell Wintz, Michaela Weber, Dillon Granzella, Justin Giorno, Sara Simko, McKinnley Witty, Bethany Higgins, Jared McDonald, Rich Mancuso, Brooke Love, Brandon Coleman, Hannah Sites, Jamie Treat and Fabian McGlasson.
Of scholarships with disclosed award amounts, the biggest single award was given to Davis by Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Salida Lodge No. 808. They awarded her $1,000 per year of college for four years. The Elks also presented $1,000 to Alloy.
Rotary Club of Salida, also known as the Noon Rotary Club, presented a total of $5,200 divided among eight students. They awarded $1,000 to Alloy; $750 to Higgins, McDonald, Carothers, Clark and Davis; and $250 to Weber and Johnson.
Other awarding groups were Knights of Columbus, Sons of Italy, Arkansas Valley Car Club, Youth Advisory Council, Mid-Mountain Farm Bureau, Honeywell, Climax Mine, Topaz Chapter 27, Holiday Park fund, Angel of Shavano Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3820, Upper Arkansas Service Club, Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center Foundation, Sons of Salida and High Country Bank.
Other scholarships came from the Frank Braswell Memorial fund, David Curtis fund, Epsilon Sigma Alpha Memorial fund, Elsie Stallsworth Memorial fund, Ted and Helen Argys Memorial fund, Carl Larson fund, Salida High School Skills USA scholarship fund, Anthony Marchase Memorial fund, Anna Mae Marchi Service to Humanity, Dr. Bixby Fund and Salida Spartan Athletic Scholarship fund.
The Salida Rotary Club awarded a total of $6,000 in scholarships. Danyel Enz was omitted; she received a $750 scholarship.
The Rotary Club of Salida (official name), now in its 76th year, is commonly known as the Salida Rotary Club. While it’s true the Salida Rotary Club has met for lunch Mondays at noon ever since its formation in 1936, usually a reference to meeting time is appended when naming latter-day clubs, such as the new club formed last year, to distinguish it from the existing club(s). Officially, the new club is the Rotary Club of Salida Sunrise.
The Mountain Mail makes every effort to print stories accurately. If an error occurs, call the editorial staff at 539-6691 so a correction can be printed in the next edition.
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