High school students are receiving college acceptance letters and making decisions for life after high school. The Inter-Lakes Scholarship Foundation assists high school seniors from Meredith, Center Harbor and Sandwich realize their dreams and access funds to take the next step in their educational journey. The foundation has awarded funds for short and long-term training programs, two-year college programs and four-year college programs. Applications are currently available at the ILMHS School Counseling Office and the deadline for students to submit the foundation application is April 18. The foundation and school district partner on a culminating scholarship dinner and awards night in June, which showcases the achievements and growth of students all throughout high school. The foundation volunteer board is seeking new members to help oversee the yearly application process, distribution of funds and the scholarship night event. Contact ilsf.treasurer@gmail.com for more information. Pictured is senior Sumner Mills filling out the Inter-Lakes Scholarship Foundation application. (Courtesy photo)
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