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The Skaggs Foundation gave out 31 scholarships totaling $24,500.

The Skaggs Foundation gave out 31 scholarships totaling $24,500.
Thirty-one students are able to take the next steps in their education thanks to the latest round of scholarships from the Skaggs Foundation.
The foundation announced the students were given a collective amount of $24,500 in funding to continue working toward a career in the medical field.
“The Skaggs Foundation is dedicated to strengthening the health and wellness of our community, and these scholarships are a testament to that commitment,” Skaggs Foundation President Meghan Connell said.
The Spring 2025 scholarship honorees are: Kennedee Anderson, Cassandra Carter, Heath Cole, Destiney Cornelius, McKenna Cowart, Cindy Dandurand, Katelyn Day, Britney Doucey, Lucy Feagans, Clarissa Fogelquist, Madison Froeschle, Kenzie Gordon, April Guevara, Alexis Hargis, Wendy Huston, Kollin Kolb, Timmy Kovalenko, Bailey Miller, Taegan Myatt, John Nichols, Kayci Norris-Hill, Madison Phifer, Nehemie Saintelus, Chelsea Schaeffer, Jammi Scoggins, Adrianna Smith, Landry Stuart, Quinn Swofford, Jessica Torres, Baylee Williams and Jenna Yaggy.
The Skaggs Foundation has given out more than $560,000 in scholarships in the last 20 years. Eligible students must live in Taney or Stone counties, or Boone County, AR, and be an employee at Cox Medical Center Branson or related to an employee.
Applications for the summer and fall 2025 open Jan. 20 and can be submitted through Mar. 21 at
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