For 12 years, the art teacher at Grants Pass High School has sold his art pieces and donated almost $40,000 to fund a scholarship fund for his students. Now, he’s hoping more organizations will get involved.
GRANTS PASS, Ore. — For 12 years, the art teacher at Grants Pass High School has sold his art pieces and donated almost $40,000 to fund a scholarship fund for his students. Now, he’s hoping more organizations will get involved.
Joshua Morton is offering to commission an art piece for businesses and organizations that donate to One Sweet World, a scholarship fund for students.
“ A lot of times it’s the same businesses that give to the scholarships,” said Joshua Morton, the art instructor at Grants Pass High School. “I thought it would be nice to offer these businesses that have been supporting the school district year after year after year, to offer them something back as well.”
Morton became a teacher so that he could have summers off to go to concerts all over the West Coast. He began to sell his artwork to continue to pay for the hobby. He came up with the idea of One Sweet World when selling his art did so well that he had more than what he needed to fund his passion for music.
“I started by just trying to like be able to pay to go to concerts. And then that did well really fast. And then after a few years, not only was I paying to go to all of the concerts, but at the end of the year, I kind of had a surplus,” said Morton.
In Morton’s classroom, the walls are adorned with bright, colorful depictions of musicians. Some are a glimpse into a moment of a concert while others reflect an artist’s appreciation for a different medium. Each painting is an inspiration for Morton’s students.
“ I’m always just encouraging my students that no matter what it is, and it may not be art for them, but find something that you love and then work hard at it,” Morton said.
For 22 years, Morton has taught at the high school and is also the wrestling coach. He said he loves to give back to his students and molds his work ethic to be an inspiration and encouragement for his students.
Even if his students don’t want to pursue an education in art, Morton wants them to find something they love.
“ Your track might be something else and we just want you to do something else after high school,” said Morton. “I changed the criteria of the scholarship to if you go to an accredited tattoo school or if you want to go to a culinary school. As long as you are pursuing something after high school, I want to be able to help.”
Morton decided he wanted to give back to the organizations and businesses that support his students. During the commission process, Morton will combine the style of the business with its passions. It could be anything from a favorite sports team to a favorite restaurant, and then Morton will find a way to put it together on a canvas.
“ I would want to make something for them, something that they’ll be proud to hang on their walls,” said Morton.
To find Morton’s website click here.
Businesses interested in commissioning artwork or learning more about the One Sweet World Scholarship Fund can contact Joshua Morton at
Brinkley Hill is an anchor/reporter at NewsWatch 12. You can reach Brinkley at
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