Annual run in honour of fallen RCMP officers raised over $150,000 for scholarships given to students from Moncton area high schools
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The Three Fathers Memorial Run, a fundraising event held each year on Father’s Day to remember three RCMP officers killed in the line of duty in 2014 has been cancelled, organizers said Friday.
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Nadine Larche, widow of RCMP Const. Doug Larche, said Friday that the event has run its course but they plan to keep the website alive to collect donations that will continue to go toward a scholarship fund for local high school students.
“The run was created just days after the events of June 4, 2014, as a way to bring the community together and help our region navigate this terrible tragedy,” Larche said. “Grief is a process, and today, it is time to move forward.”
The run was organized after Codiac Regional RCMP Constables Doug Larche, Dave Ross and Fabrice Gevaudan were shot and killed on the night of June 4, 2014. They were responding to 911 calls of a man walking through residential neighbourhoods in north end Moncton, dressed in camouflage clothing and carrying weapons. Three other officers were wounded but survived. Justin Bourque, who was 24 at the time, was convicted of murder and attempted murder, and sentenced to life in prison.
The first Three Fathers Memorial Run was organized soon after the tragedy. The run was held on the Riverfront Trail on Father’s Day, and grew each year. In addition, a website was established to collect donations. The run raised over $150,000, with the proceeds going to a scholarship fund. Each year, the fund presented three scholarships of $1,000 to graduating students from the six high schools in the Codiac Regional RCMP’s coverage area: Moncton High, Riverview High, Harrison Trimble, MacNaughton, L’Odyssée and Mathieu Martin. The fund is overseen by a board of directors and students applying for the bursaries were required to write essays to show they have contributed to their community and shown personal resilience. The applications are evaluated by a volunteer committee.
Larche said schools have been notified and students will be able to apply again this year, but the number of bursaries will be reduced to one of $500 per school.
“We are incredibly grateful to everyone who participated in the run, our sponsors, and the many volunteers who made this event possible over the past 10 years,” Larche said. “For the families and RCMP members, this outpouring of support and kindness has been a great source of comfort.”
She said the remaining funds will continue to be distributed to Grade 12 students in the region. The Three Fathers Memorial Run is still accepting donations for the scholarship fund, and scholarships will continue to be awarded in the years ahead as long as donations allow.
“More than 160 young people in our community have already benefited from these scholarships, with over $150,000 awarded to support their post-secondary journeys. This is a great source of pride for all of us, and we will continue to support our graduates for as long as we can,” she said.
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