Inclusive Excellence Admissions Scholarships for Master’s Students at the University of Toronto


The University of Toronto’s School of Graduate Studies (SGS) offers the Inclusive Excellence Admissions Scholarships (IEAS) to support underrepresented groups, specifically first-year Black and Indigenous master’s students, in PhD-stream programs. This initiative is part of a broader effort to enhance diversity and inclusivity in academia.

Scholarship Details

The scholarships aim to provide financial support and increase opportunities for Black and Indigenous students who may not meet conventional admission criteria but demonstrate significant potential. This initiative aligns with the recommendations from various reports, including the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and the Anti-Black Racism Task Force.

Award Value: Up to $15,000 for one year.
Eligibility: Open to domestic and international students.
Program Focus: Supports MA, MSc, MSW, MEd, MPH, and other research and professional programs leading to a PhD.

Eligibility Criteria

Apply to a U of T master’s program with the intent to pursue a PhD.
Self-identify as Black and/or Indigenous to Turtle Island.
Submit a U of T online OGS Application.
Not have other major funding exceeding $10,000 at the time of the offer.
Demonstrate financial need if accepted into an unfunded program.

Application Process

Interested candidates should contact their proposed Graduate Faculty/Program/Unit upon applying for admission to express interest in the scholarship. Each unit will establish its own selection process and criteria.

Contact Information

For more details, please reach out to your proposed Graduate Faculty/Program/Unit.

For more information, visit the University of Toronto SGS website.