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The Valley Patriot 21st Anniversary BASH Committee is pleased to announce this year’s recipient of the Dan Coady Memorial Scholarship is North Andover High School’s Brailyn McGuire.
Seven years ago, one of our readers, Al Veilleux donated $500 to start a scholarship in memory of Dan Coady Jr. who was killed in tragic accident on Rt. 495 just a week before our annual BASH in 2018.
Each year Al asks that we keep the Dan Coady Memorial Scholarship going for students who attended the Thomson Grammar School in North Andover where at least one of Dan Coadys children attended at the time.
Al’s goal was to keep this scholarship going every year in the hopes that Dan’s children will be able to receive this scholarship when they graduate from High School. three years ago Dan’s oldest son Patrick received this scholarship in the amount of $7,390.
This year’s Dan Coady Memorial Scholarship recipient Brailyn McGuire attended the Thomson Grammar School where she made her first academic strides as the only student to complete the 40 book challenge for the fifth graders and was the school champion for the National Geographic Geography Bee.
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Scholarship program

Now, a senior at North Andover High School she has a weighted GPA of 4.41 and has received nothing but A’s as a final grade during her time there. She is in mostly AP and Honors classes, and a member of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society.
She is also the president of the French Honor Society. She has sung in the choir for all four years at NAHS and is also co-lead of the American Cancer Society On Campus Club, which has raised over $10,000 for cancer research. For over a year she has been working at Stachey’s Pizza.
She plans to major in computer science. She has not committed to a college yet, although she has already been accepted to 10 schools and says she is currently leaning towards Endicott College and UNH.
The Valley Patriot Newspaper holds an annual Charity BASH Scholarship and Award Night to honor police officers, firefighters, veterans, and members of the community who go above and beyond to help those in need. 
This year’s event will be held on March 28th at the Lawrence Elks Club on Andover Street.  
Last year the newspaper’s charity committee raised more than $58,100 for eight local high school students from; Lawrence High School, North Andover, The Greater  Lawrence Technical School, Whittier Regional Tech, Haverhill High School, Salem, N.H. High and Methuen High School.  
Sponsors from the business community help pay for the expenses of running the event so that no overhead costs come from scholarship donations.
Scholarship money is raised from mailings to the business community and an online scholarship drive on publisher Tom Duggan’s Facebook Page as well as the Valley Patriot’s Facebook Page.
Donors can contribute to whichever student they want to received the funds and 100% of ever dollar donated goes directly to the students.
Donations received that are not specified for a particular student or school will be added to the total of whichever student has the least amount of scholarship donations at the time of the contribution. 
CashAp: $valleypatriot
Venmo: Tom-Duggan-10
Corporations or those wishing to write off large donations can make checks payable to the Lawrence High School Alumni Association ECCF and put “Brailyn McGiuire” in the memo of the check.
Mail all checks to
Valley Patriot BASH
75 Main St.
North Andover MA 01845

Valley Patriot Newspaper Announces Dan Coady Memorial Scholarship Recipient for March 28th Charity BASH added by on
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