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Local author Malcolm Foley, Baylor University’s special adviser to the president for equity and campus engagement, will discuss his new book, “The Anti-Greed Gospel” at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at The Gathering at Lake Shore Baptist Church, 5801 Bishop Drive.
It will be the first of two book talks by local authors on the theme of justice. The books will be available for purchase. Attendees do not need to read the book ahead of time to learn from the discussion.
Baylor University’s next Meet the Author session, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Schumacher Flex Commons in Moody Memorial Library, will feature assistant religion professor and architect Elise Edwards and her recent publication “Architecture, Theology, and Ethics: Making Architectural Design More Just.” Ann Theriot, clinical assistant professor of interior design, will converse with Edwards about her work.
A reception with refreshments and book signing will follow. Baylor University Press will sell copies of the book at the event.
A Genealogy Center orientation session will run from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at the West Waco Library, 5301 Bosque Blvd.
The guided tour is aimed at people interested in checking out the Genealogy Center but unsure how to use its resources. The event will cover records, databases, microfilm and other resources available to help uncover family history.
The Waco Civic Theatre will hold a gala fundraiser and Season Reveal Event on March 6 at the theater, 1517 Lake Air Drive.
Tickets and sponsorships are available at VIP tickets include food and drink.
For more information, call 776-1591.
The 15th annual Central Texas Beekeepers School will run from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday at Brenham High School.
The one-day school is open to the public, and families are welcome to attend. The cost is $100 for the first adult in a household and $90 for additional household members over 18. Cost is $80 for active and retired military members, $40 for students older than 12 and $25 for children under 12, with a parent.
Fees increase after Thursday. The school also includes a catered barbecue meal.
For more information, call 979-277-0411 or email

Applications are due March 31 for educational scholarships the Heart of Texas Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America annually awards to deserving students pursuing or planning to pursue undergraduate or graduate studies at an accredited institution of higher education. Application information is available at An applicant’s permanent residence must be in the chapter’s Central Texas Service Area, which includes McLennan, Falls, Limestone, Freestone, Navarro, Hill, Bosque, Hamilton, Mills, Lampasas, Coryell and Bell counties.
Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. Consideration is given to an applicant’s GPA, academic major, financial need, the “whole person” as reflected by participation in other endeavors at school, in the community, and religious affiliation and educational pursuits and future goals. A short essay is required. Awards are available to graduating high school seniors and to students already in college. A total of $12,000 was awarded last year to four recipients.
Applications are due March 28 for the Rotary Club of Waco’s annual college scholarship program. Students who are classified as juniors or seniors in college, a permanent resident of McLennan County, and have resided in McLennan County for the past two consecutive years are eligible to apply. Applicants who attend college in another county or state are eligible if their permanent residence is in McLennan County and has been for two years.
Selection criteria include financial need, self-help, college major and GPA, citizenship and community involvement, including volunteer and faith-related activities. A short essay and letters of recommendation are required.
Applications are available at A total of $12,600 was awarded last year to five recipients.
Applications and required supporting documents are due at 5 p.m. April 18 for two $5,000 Dr Pepper Museum scholarships for high school seniors pursuing education in business, management, entrepreneurship, marketing and related fields.
The Dr Pepper Museum Leadership Scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors who are McLennan County residents. It is awarded based on financial need.
The Dr Pepper Museum & Free Enterprise Institute Entrepreneur Scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors who are resident of McLennan County or Dallas County. It is open to all eligible students regardless of financial need.
For applications and more details about requirements and criteria for each scholarship, go to
The Czech Heritage Society of Texas is seeking applicants for two scholarships, the Victor Peter Memorial Scholarship, a $500 award, and the Albert J. Blaha Memorial Scholarship, a $1,000 award.
Instructions for applying are available online at Graduating Texas high school seniors in 2025 are eligible. Applicants need not be members of Czech Heritage Society. Applications must be postmarked by March 3.
The Blaha Scholarship is also open to first-year college students with less than 30 credit hours.
For more information, call Richard Skopik at 254-640-2179 or email
Submit printed items to Briefly, P.O. Box 2588, Waco, 76702-2588; or email
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