Walla Walla-Columbia School Retirees Association is offering two $2,000 scholarships this year, said scholarship chair Mardel Bierwagen.
These awards are earmarked for prospective teachers and/or candidates in other school-related fields who will student-teach or have an internship experience in an educational setting to meet requirements for initial certification.
In addition, Washington State School Retirees Association has five available scholarships.
WWCSRA applicants must be graduates from a high school in Walla Walla or Columbia counties; be student teaching or have an internship between September 2024-June 2025. The online application is on the Blue Mountain Community Foundation website at shorturl.at/ozPXa.
WWCSRA established the scholarship fund in 1989 to benefit students in Walla Walla and Columbia counties pursuing a degree in education.
The scholarships support students who are currently completing their student teaching experience. The submission deadline is March 10. Recipients will be notified on June 20. For additional details, contact Bierwagen at 509-525-6117 or gbierwagen6117@charter.net.
Based in Lacey, Wash., the WSSRA will provide two $2,500 Neil D. Prescott Student Teaching/Internship Scholarships. They go to students who graduated from any Washington state high school preparing to do student teaching or an internship during the 2025-2026 school year.
In addition, the WSSRA is also offering scholarships to high school seniors from Washington state high schools who plan to major in education.
The WSSRA Robert J. Handy Scholarship provides $900 per year for four years.
There are one-time WSSRA Foundation Scholarship awards, one for $3,000 and another for $2,000.
The two Gene Forrester Memorial Scholarships available through WSSRA are $2,000 each. These will be awarded to students who hold a grade-point average of 3.0 or higher and who will major in agricultural education at Washington State University.
Applications for the Handy and Forrester scholarships are due by March 1; the Prescott scholarship is due April 1. See wssra.org under foundation/scholarships/scholarships for applications.
Retired editor/journalist Annie Charnley Eveland freelances the Etcetera column and stories for the Walla Walla Union-Bulletin. Send contact name, daytime phone number, news and clear sharply focused photos as .jpg attachments to acereporter1979@gmail.com or call 509-386-7369.
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