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Cloudy skies. Low 11F. Winds NNW at 15 to 25 mph. Higher wind gusts possible..
Cloudy skies. Low 11F. Winds NNW at 15 to 25 mph. Higher wind gusts possible.
Updated: February 14, 2025 @ 10:17 pm

Scholarship Countdown: Yankton College would like to remind potential applicants to apply for Yankton College scholarships. Scholarship applications must be postmarked by Feb. 21, 2025.
Each spring, the YC Scholarship Program awards 20-30 scholarships from endowed funds based on their (1) scholastic merit, (2) extracurricular and community activities, (3) leadership and writing skills. Optional /Additional points are awarded for having either: (4) a family relationship to Yankton College alumni, former faculty or staff; or a family friend, teacher, pastor or other person with a connection to Yankton College to recommend the applicant.
It has come to our attention, there may be some confusion with criteria, resulting in potential applicants choosing not to apply. Clarification for potential applicants:
• In the application scoring process, points are awarded for a connection to Yankton College. Applying without a connection is not disqualifying.
• Scholarships are to be used at an accredited technical school, college, or university for associate, bachelors, or post graduate work.
• YHS Seniors may apply for scholarships, which are independent from the 2-3 Yankton College scholarships awarded through the Yankton School District. A separate application process must be completed with the Yankton College application to qualify for this program.
• Call the YC office (605-665-3661 or 866-665-3661) with questions. We would be happy to assist in helping you determine what connections you may have to gain these additional points.
Yankton College Applications are available online at the YC website,, at the Yankton High School Counselor’s office, or at the Yankton College office located at 82 Mickelson Drive, third floor, Mead Center in Yankton.
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