Seeking Readers for 2025 Mandela Washington Fellowship Applications

The U.S. Department of State and IREX are inviting academic, professional, and regional experts to read and score applications for the 2025 Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders. Since its inception, this prestigious program has received nearly 434,000 applications from 49 sub-Saharan African countries, selecting 7,200 Fellows.

Key Responsibilities

Readers will evaluate around 50 applications using a detailed scoring rubric. This volunteer opportunity is ideal for professionals or students aiming to develop their résumé and gain insights into sub-Saharan African issues.

Application Details

  • Apply By: September 1, 2024
  • Reading Period: Mid-September to early November 2024
  • Application Time: 5-10 minutes per application


Ideal candidates include academics and professionals with expertise in business, civic engagement, or public management, and those with experience in sub-Saharan Africa. U.S. Government employees and Fellowship Alumni are also eligible.

Interested? Apply now to be a Fellowship Reader.

For any queries, contact the Fellowship Team at

Why Volunteer?

This role offers a unique professional development opportunity, exposure to international education processes, and a chance to contribute to the leadership growth of young African leaders. Explore more about the Fellowship and its impact here.